FFing Enigma

This is my profile. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I post a lot of random stuff. Greenville, SC. DMs welcome, or hit my GVoice 321-AKA-TINA
I made a full pot of coffee when I woke up this morning, and then I took a 3 hour long surprise nap. Managed to get most of the coffee into the Thermos after the fact so it'll stay warm and drinkable for the rest of the day. #TheSickLife
Lunch course 1: two pudding cups. I will follow this up with some chocolate milk and possibly some cottage cheese. #TheSickLife
Apparently the CEO is in town today. He and my boss called me at 10:15 to go over a report (woke me up from my nap, dag nabbit!). I secretly believe he wanted to make sure I was actually sick and not out interviewing all around town (see yesterday's post). Again: I think I can use this to my advantage.
Luckily for me I sound WAY sick, like I swallowed a bull frog. The sneezing and coughing fit helped too. - FFing Enigma
Dear my intestines: I've barely eaten in 3 days. How is what you just did EVEN POSSIBLE?
:( - AJ Batac
Exactly =( So far today I've had OJ, coffee, and a banana. I might get adventurous and eat more pudding soon, or maybe I'll just take another nap. - FFing Enigma
The Adjustmen Bureau. Thoughts?
No idea what it is. - Steve C, Team Marina
I don't think PKD got hit by the pink laser beam from outer space until later ;) - Victor Ganata
I am eating a can of fruit cocktail. And yes, it is still in the can. Should've popped it in the fridge though, apparenly I prefer it chilled.
Yeah, sometimes I'll stuff it in the freezer for 20-30 minutes before eating it.. - Wirehead
It all boils down to acidity, same as lemonade. - Wirehead
Need to pee. Need hot tea. Pinned down by a 6 lb cat. #FluHaiku
Sadly, it appears I'm out of Jack which is a necessity for my hot toddy. I don't think it'll be the same with Crown... - FFing Enigma
Thanks to @AmyWood for mentioning the Greenville Derby Dames on tonight's 10p news!
Moar pics from the bout (non-action shots). 1-My team's banner (we have the whole creative arts committee!) 2-My intraleague team (WINNERS) 3-A skating peep 4-At the after party doing the chicken dance with the peep 5-Half the team singing Bohemian Rhapsody karaoke (with someone else in the peep costume)
Pure Awesomeness!!! - Rachel Lea Fox
It was a lot of fun. And don't be fooled by the fact that we were basically playing against ourselves: we whooped up on each other! I was still sore yesterday (then again, maybe that's just the sickness). - FFing Enigma
Some pics from our 2011 season opener Saturday: our two intraleague teams duked it out. My team won, below are some action shots. I left everything on the track, including 2 lungs and my lymph system...
And yes, that is me hitting the jammer in pic 2. Can't see my head thanks to the shoulder hitting my face. - FFing Enigma
Tina... that's great to hear! - .LAG liked that
Drinking OJ straight from the carton. Don't worry, I plan on finishing it so it won't contaminate the spouse. The downside of OJ loading is that I'm now REALLY chilly. Imma have to start with the hot toddy to combat the brrrr. Darn.
+1... but I like to put a little vodka in there. ;) - .LAG liked that
The OJ is going down straight, but the hot tea will have whiskey in it! - FFing Enigma
nice! - .LAG liked that
I am either still hungry, or my pudding and chicken and rice soup aren't sitting well. The only way to really know for sure is to eat a little more of something and see what happens, but I'm a little scared of the consequences.
You only say that because you know each coughing fit is an invitation for disaster right now! At least the Immodium is holding its own for the time being... - FFing Enigma
The trip to the grocery store and carrying in 2 bags made me tired, which does NOT bode well. My haul includes cottage cheese, full fat milk, pudding, bananas, fruit cocktail, apple sauce, instant potatoes, and granola bars. Pudding cup one has been consumed and will be followed by leftover soup from lunch (Dave brought it to me!)
I'm pretty sure the EasyFeet infommercial has a starring role in some fetish video collections...
Dear intestines: Immodium is expensive. You need to CHILL THE EFF out, 'mkay? Plus you're making it hard to find a window to go to the store.
I've been stuck in the house for ages so I'm going to put on pants and go to the store. Need more milk and OJ, and I need to stock up on easy things for me to eat and digest (apparently my lungs aren't the only things having issues). So far my list includes pudding and bananas, both of which sound amazing right now.
Banana pudding? - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Jello < pudding in my world. And buttered pasta may happen, but I'll have to do dishes first. I can't decide if they are more important than taking out the trash tonight. I'm pretty sure only one of them will happen. - FFing Enigma
I've been out sick yesterday and today (though still working from home a few hours both days). My CEO asked my boss today if he thought I was out interviewing. I think I can use this to my advantage...
Lol! The CEO actually doesn't work in my office, so it wouldn't help any. And even if you called, I sound like a 1-900 operator right now so I would sound a bit odd when answering the phone... - FFing Enigma
I need a soup delivery service. Someone make it so!
Technically there's soup in the house but I'd have to do dishes in order to eat it. Don't wanna do dishes, just wanna sit here and cough/sneeze/wheeze and have soup magically arrive at my doorstep =( Trying to decide now if driving for deli soup is more or less hassle than doing dishes. - FFing Enigma
My cat just tossed her cookies and then proceeded to clean up her own mess. I don't know if I should be grossed out or appreciative.
ew - Katy S
If I don't have to see her cleaning it up, then I don't care. - Corinne L
Dear whoever the hell just called me: you're an idiot if you think I'm going to verify my address over the phone before you tell me who you are or why you're calling. Worst policy EVAR.
I got a phone call yesterday asking me to verify the last 4 of my SSN. Yeah, like THAT'LL happen. - LB&#39;s FF Hubby
I told him that he should send whatever he wants to talk to me about by mail to the address they have on record. Apparently this was the weirdest request he'd ever had. - FFing Enigma
Dave and I REALLY need to schedule our sick time a little bit better. I've got some upper respiratory plague and he's got a pretty active stomach bug (let's make that VERY active). I can't be properly sick and whiney when he's sick too, he's the master of sick and whiney and I wind up taking care of him. Boo!
Feel better you guys! - AJ Batac
You can't out sick-and-whiney men, unfortunately. Stay strong and whine back at him as much as you need to! - WebGoddess
Yeah, I noticed that =/ - FFing Enigma
I would kill for a surprise nap right about now...
I nap between calls. :) - Steven Perez
You all help keep me sane, or at least as sane as I can be. Thanks for that =)
Hooray! (and thanks for not mentioning the fact that we are really enablers :)) - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
It's just how we roll. I am feeling like I may have to apologize for any stuff I posted that may have sent you the wrong way. - Brent - Yes I am
There are no words to express the grr I am feeling righ now. Thank jeebus for roller derby practice: it let's me vent and rampage in a fashion that doesn't involve jail time...
O_o.... *lights a candle for Tina's teammates* - MoTO Boychick Devil
*covers eyes* - MoTO Boychick Devil
Alright, it's 11p and my dinner ran out an hour ago. You FFers keep posting food and my 2 cups of cocoa just aren't tiding me over. I'm off to forage.
I settled on a Jimmy Dean's turkey sausage "mcmuffin". Not too shabby, especially since I figured out how to use the power adjustment on my microwave... Technically they're for Dave but he's not here and the thoughts of eating cold cereal made my insides shiver. - FFing Enigma
And I'm off to heat up another one. Then it's bedtime; Dave will have to play with his nuts by himself tonight. - FFing Enigma
Dang, did everyone have Chinese tonight? MoMo is, Soup is, and I did (made lettuce wraps).
leftover burrito and rice. does that count? - Aloof Schipperke
ramen noodles for lunch; nachos for dinner - MiniMage
I'm all agitated and ornery now. Boo =/
Time for angry sex? - Alex Scrivener
39 and raining is pretty damn miserable. Granted if it were colder we'd be covered up in snow, but that's not really a consolation as it's going to get cold enough to freeze tonight. Hello ice sheet!
I guess all that heat you guys are going to generate screwing Dave's nuts won't be enough. - Johnny
As mentioned earlier, Dave will likely be too tired to play with his nuts tonight. He'll probably get the job done tomorrow while I'm still at work since he'll need his nuts tomorrow night. - FFing Enigma
yeah, when it's that cold I'd just as soon it get a bit colder and turn that rain into snow. - Katy S
My boss just texted me at a quarter to 10. *This* is the kinda thing that I tell him is above my paygrade...
But what did he text you? - Johnny
Whoever he is, he can wait until 8:30 a tomorrow. Boss could've easily emailed me what he texted me, I would've seen it in the morning and done as asked. Instead he texts it to me and I will be annoyed the entire rest of the evening. Damn I have the urge to look for a job... - FFing Enigma
Dave officially has new nuts! They're in a sack in my purse... He might play with them when he gets home if he's not too tired.
If not...are you gonna play with 'em? - LB&#39;s FF Hubby
No new knockers, but he did just buy me an over the shoulder bottle holder! - FFing Enigma
Not really since I can get 'em cheaper elsewhere, but I figured I was committed and had to post a picture of them! - FFing Enigma
I need to buy Dave some new nuts, his are almost stripped out.
HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahhahaaaaa!! Alright, had to get the laughter out somehow =D In all seriousness he does indeed need some new nuts, the ones he has are so loose they're almost falling off when he skates. hAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAH!!!! - FFing Enigma
I hope he's using protection. A little bit of safety wire can go a long way. - Wirehead