Dave officially has new nuts! They're in a sack in my purse... He might play with them when he gets home if he's not too tired.
If not...are you gonna play with 'em? - LB's FF Hubby
Are they Schwety Nuts? - Mike Nayyar
Sadly, the nut selection was rather lacking. Dave requires a pretty specific size so I had to dig around the bins, inspecting every sack of nuts to make sure I got the right ones. I even found a sack that had three nuts instead of two; you better believe I got that one! - FFing Enigma
Are they Home Depot or Lowe's nuts? - CAJ was here
I know entirely too much about Dave's nuts. - Gunneh's Holding On
Go, nuts! - MiniMage
What's the thread depth? (giggles) - CAJ was here
Wait now Dave has an extra nut? - Steve C, Team Marina
Actually, Dave now has 5 new nuts, three in one sack and two in another. I would've gotten him the stainless steel nuts but they were kinda pricey, not to mention heavy. No one wants heavy nuts. - FFing Enigma
Heavy nuts can double as door knockers. - Steve C, Team Marina
You guys are all 12, you know that?? - Roberto Bonini
*wonders what kind of door said heavy nuts would be knocking* - Big Joe Silenced
*ducks and covers* - Big Joe Silenced
No new knockers, but he did just buy me an over the shoulder bottle holder! - FFing Enigma