Just received my new-to-me laptop for work. Had to have it since I'm traveling next week but am not thrilled about it since it means work is now officially portable =/ With that said: IT'S CROWDSOURCING TIME!! I need your best FREE file mgmnt system to sync files between my desktop and the lappie. Docs only, not worried about email. GO
Sugarsync. - SAM
A second vote for Dropbox. - Meryn Stol
Trifecta for Dropbox. - CAJ was here
A quadrangle for dropbox. :) - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
Dropbox - Alex Scrivener
If you're looking for an automatic, always-synced type of system, Dropbox is the best (though, it does have a limit on total capacity). If you're looking for something you can sync manually back and forth between the two (either over a network or with the use of an external drive in between), SyncBack is an awesome choice. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Dropbox - Jill O'Neill
Well hell, dropbox... and maybe Evernote? - MoTO Boychick Devil
Alright, after a bit of playing around it appear that the desktop and lappie will in fact see each other on the network, which I have to say surprised me a bit. So this means SyncBack is a very viable option for pushing copies from one to the other. Since SB will let me automate the process (at least, it did last time I used it), what are the selling points for DB over SB? - FFing Enigma
Do you use roaming profiles at work? I've seen trouble with DB when roaming profiles are enabled, since the files cache can get a bit out of hand if you don't have it directed somewhere other than the default. (no experience with SB) - Jennifer Dittrich
rsync - Wizetux
Trideca for Dropbox - Morton Fox
Dropbox. - Lisa L. Seifert
The advantages of Dropbox over SyncBack (as far as I'm concerned) are: 1) Dropbox is Web-accessible, as well; so you can access your files from another computer if need be. 2) You can share your files with other Dropbox users. 3) It is fully automatic (as soon as a file changes on one box, it's synced on the other box). - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
The advantages of SyncBack over Dropbox are: 1) SyncBack has no limits. Sync as much as you want as often as you want. 2) SyncBack allows you to keep files in a folder without syncing them. You choose exactly which files sync and which don't. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Edit: Windows Live *Mesh* works like a charm. You get 5GB and it works with your SkyDrive which is 25GB. You can access your files from the web, share files, and you can remotely control your other computers if you want. That is built in. - Eric @ CS Techcast
I love Dropbox. I wish more people (at least my fellow classmates) used it so we could share stuff more easily. - Derrick
Dropbox. Trust! - Micah
Dropbox and Microsoft Sync Toy. - Jeff P. Henderson
Dropbox - Dave Richardson
From the Director of Corporate Communications at SugarSync when I asked him why SugarSync over DropBox: 1) The reason why most people only use the free version of Dropbox is because it forces users to adopt a new behavior -- you have to learn to drag and drop everything into your special "Dropbox" folder, thus saving it in 2 places (the folder you normally save it in, i.e., My Documents, as well as your Dropbox folder). The problem with this is that -- just like backing things up to external hard drives -- people simply forget to do it. SugarSync works the way you work - it allows you to select any and all folders on your computer to be monitored, and as soon as you save, add or change a file in any of those selected folders, SugarSync automatically backs up and syncs the files for you. You never have to remember to backup or sync again - it's taken care of for you. Set it and forget it. 2) Dropbox was built to be a file syncing tool. SugarSync combines cloud storage/backup (like Carbonite or Mozy), file syncing (like Dropbox), and file sharing (like YouSendIt). As opposed to a very basic, simple file synchronization tool (Dropbox), with SugarSync you get fully-automated backup, file synchronization, and advanced file sharing. 3) Dropbox is essentially a small USB thumb-drive in the sky. You put a few files there when you need them, but you don't backup and synchronize everything there. With SugarSync, you can backup, sync and share your entire digital life across an unlimited amount of devices. 4) Finally, speaking of devices, SugarSync has the broadest coverage of devices in the industry. We work on both Mac and PC, as well as ALL mobile devices -- iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Symbian. If you've got a smartphone or mobile device, we support it. - SAM
And Live Mesh storage limit is only for the cloud, direct machine to machine syncs is unlimited - Jeff (Team マクダジ )
SAM, Dropbox does have selective folders for sync now https://www.dropbox.com/help... . Users can treat their Dropbox folder as the root for all their data and select subdirectories within as designated to be backed up. - Micah