Dear world: yes, I am sick. No, I have not been to the doctor and do not intend on going. Odds are good I have a viral infection and getting on anti-biotics will do exactly jack crap for that. My experience shows that rest, hydration, and OTCs for symptons have an extremely high success.
Preach it. - Alex Scrivener
Like they say, it will usually go away in 7 days without treatment, or in 1 week with treatment ;) Hope you feel better soon! - Victor Ganata
I do the same thing and everyone's like GO TO THE DOCTOR and I'm like IT GETS BETTER THE SAME TIME ANYWAY AND CHEAPER. - Jandy
I am a strong believer in the healing powers of OJ, chicken soup, and hot tea. I've been on antibiotics maybe 5 times in the past 25 years, strep, scarletina, and a questionable bout of bronchitis. Oh, and impacted wisdon teeth. - FFing Enigma
I would still go to the Dr. You could end up with a bacterial infection on top of your virus. We are having a mini epidemic at work right now. About 20% of the office (of 100 people) are out with the same nasty virus. 4 people have been diagnosed with pneumonia. I got the virus back on Jan 10 and and just this week feeling 100% better. It started with flu like symptoms, then a chest cough, then a sinus infection. Got an anti-biotic about a week after I first got sick. The sinus infection went away quickly, the cough took a couple of weeks to finally go a away. - Jeff P. Henderson
Hope you feel better soon. - Anne Bouey
I haven't taken antibiotics since I was 15. I have asked for them twice, though, and been denied both times. Once my mom and Shawn came down with the same thing, got antibiotics from their doctors, and were well in a week, while I remained sick for three months. :/ - Mrs. Alix May
Alix, some doctors are very reluctant to hand out antibiotics, while others hand them out like candy. My experience is that I usually end up with a secondary infection, i.e. a bacterial sinus infection when I get sick, so the antibiotic almost always helps. - Jeff P. Henderson