I am a good cook, yet I always manage to Eff up instant mashed potatoes.
lol that's not cooking, so you're fine :) - sofarsoShawn
That was kinda my thought on it =D - FFing Enigma
OMG I eff'd up instant mashed potatoes last night! The steak was good though so I called it a victory. - Steve C, Team Marina
I only make 'em when I'm sick so it's not like I get a lot of practice. They're edible though, and apparently meet with full feline approval... - FFing Enigma
That's all right baby. You can fix Papa something else. - MoTO Boychick Devil
One of these days me and B gonna hit the town and eat in every dive and fine establishment we can find. Derrick should come to, he and I have been talking about a BBQ date for ages. - FFing Enigma
I haven't had any good bbq since I've been here. - Derrick
we need a cunning plan - MoTO Boychick Devil
Or a punning clan. - Derrick
FF is home of the punning clan my friend. - FFing Enigma