Louis Gray

Silicon Valley early adopter, tech geek blogger, and dad w/twins +1
When Sarah designs a paper remote, she includes thumbs up and down buttons like on our TiVo.
Awesome. - Stephen Mack
Reminds me of something I'd actually see at Ikea. - Marie
Adult Problems Suck. I Blame Drew's Cancer. #BlameDrewsCancer - http://blog.louisgray.com/2015...
"I quickly glossed over it during my first post of the year, when I said "Adult problems can be a real pain," but I'd be skirting around some big issues if I didn't go deeper on some very real drama that in years past would see me aggressively pounding the drum to draw attention to their pain, hoping to rally others to their cause. But as I get older, and, as a result, my friends do too, struggles with health, family, work or finance are hardly isolated - making it somewhat selfish to choose one cause against another. And that sucks." - Louis Gray
10 New Year's Resolutions (for you) for the Year 2015 - http://blog.louisgray.com/2015...
"A new year is a somewhat arbitrary point in time to mark change. But tradition has it that we do two things when the calendar turns from December to January. We look back on the previous year, either with pride over accomplishments, or dismissal of bad experiences, and we optimistically expect the best for the coming twelve months." - Louis Gray
These are great. Thanks for sharing :) - joey - team everyone
Thanks, Joey! I originally was going for 15, but 10 was good enough. - Louis Gray
You've inspired me to take some specific actions so I appreciate that. Also, some of us are easily overwhelmed so 10 is good ;) - joey - team everyone
Twitter is broken on Android, iOS and mobile. But I can still post from FriendFeed.
Let the annual airing of grievances begin for Festivus 2014!
Short order cooks who are tall. - Spidra Webster
Norwegian Christmas food. - Jenny H.
Stephen and I are walking all day today! We just passed 4k Fitbit steps and have 96k to go! #fitbit100k
Good luck! Stay hydrated! :D - Jennifer Dittrich
Congratulations! ^_^ - Farzad
Taking the 100k Steps Fitbit Challenge and Raising Money for Charity - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
On Monday, Stephen and I have a crazy plan to set a new personal record for Fitbit steps. The goal? 100,000 steps in a single day, blowing away my previous personal best by more than 50 percent, and coming close to fifty miles walked - while also helping raise money for Camp Taylor, a free summer camp for children with heart disease, in memory of Riley Norton, the son of my friend and colleague Ken Norton. - Louis Gray
And I yodel my little heart out. - Jason in #FFurgatory
Tablets, Touch and Talk: Technology Through the Eyes of a Child - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
"My children have never known a world without high speed Internet, streaming movies on demand, and a seemingly all-knowing personal assistant, available to answer their every question when asked. They've grown accustomed to concepts which once seemed fanciful, like the ability to order all sorts of items on your tablet and have them delivered in the same day, having every photo you've ever taken available to you from any device, or having video chats with just about anyone instantly. For them, there is no such thing as technology. There's just the real world" - Louis Gray
Christmas tree is all done!
I like the branded approach. - Stephen Mack
Needs a bead ;-) - Shannon - GlassMistress
Ingress: The Incredible & Addictive Covert Game Being Played All Around You - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
"A little over two years ago, a small team within Google called Niantic Labs introduced Ingress, a game that adds a virtual reality layer on top of the entire world, which you can claim, defend or destroy for your cause - depending on which side you've chosen. And while I tested early versions of the game while it was developing at Google, and dabbled with it just after launch, I put it aside before jumping back in with both feet two months ago, when a pair of colleagues on my new team couldn't stop talking about it. And now I won't stop talking about it either. Simply put, in my view, it's the most well-designed, intelligently deployed concept I've ever seen for an immersive experience on mobile, which encourages you to get off your butt, explore the world around you, and find new people to help you achieve goals together. Every facet of the application, even while it seems mysterious, is designed to help you get out of house, to explore new crannies of your neighborhood (and beyond) and discover people on your faction who need your help to achieve what would be impossible alone. I've never seen anything like it." - Louis Gray
Akiva is having all sorts of fun on Twitter with the @xyzzwhy account.
You Can't Achieve Equality by Expecting Everyone to be the Same - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
"Speaking up or talking about hard issues like racial bias or diversity, or calling for attentiton to inherent problems, makes it possible I'll misspeak and say something quotable where I don't want it. It's instead much easier to sit quiet and let other people fight their battles - to watch big conflicts and flareups remotely, trivializing someone else's experience, as something that's not happening here. But even in the 'burbs, and in our corporate offices, there are issues. We may not see unarmed men shot 12 times and killed in our hallways, but there are opportunities to bring down or build up our peers daily, and most of us aren't doing much to aid their quiet struggles." - Louis Gray
Introducing Google Dads: Social networking for dads. https://www.youtube.com/watch...
louisgray.com: Our Smartphones Have Surpassed Their Role as Computers In Our Pockets - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
"The prevailing mantra holds that as our phones become increasingly smart and constantly connected, that we're walking around with the equivalent of computers in our pocket. These intelligent devices can do practically everything their PC predecessors could, from email and web browsing to document sharing and creation, music and photos, and any application you can think of. In fact, I'd argue that we're not only seeing people spend more hours with their mobile devices than traditional PCs, they're more functional as well - as the smartphone has surpassed the PC. Ever try taking photos with your iMac? It's tough." - Louis Gray
Your phone wants to kill you. ~Amy Pohler - Eric @ CS Techcast
Was this prompted by being asked where you got that graph, when it was from Fitbit's web site? It struck me how phone-centric we are these days. - Bruce Lewis
@Bruce it wasn't prompted by Stephen's asking about the Web version. I've been thinking about this for a few weeks, as I was using my phone and then put it down to pick up the laptop, and started thinking about all of this. - Louis Gray
I was going to be over 20,000 steps each day last week, but I stayed home Friday to hand out Halloween candy. If only I'd walked the kids instead...
Close, but no bubblegum cigar. - Spidra Webster
(Because we're Fitbit friends) - Bruce Lewis
Averaging 25,000+ steps a day, for a week? Is such a thing even possible?
You're amazing. Also, what are you using to get that summary? - Stephen Mack
Fitbit Launches Challenges to Push You and Friends to Go Further - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
"The charm of Fitbit has always been more than just counting steps and seeing how far you've meandered in your day. Even more than the virtual badges you can collect for hitting new personal recorsd, one of the most engaging pieces of this smart wearable has been informally competing with your friends for a place atop the leaderboard, learning who is the most active, and seeing just how much further you need to go to land a spot at the top." - Louis Gray
Louis wins again! - Stephen Mack
Fitbit Launches Challenges to Push You and Friends to Go Further - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
And then... while playing with Waze while on the Google shuttle home this evening, a wild Ben Golub appeared! We were practically tailing him on the freeway. Hi Ben! #notstalking
Not my normal route to go south of Menlo Park but we had an offsite in Cupertino! - Benjamin Golub
Yum. Lollipop. And it took about 3 minutes to get shared by The Verge. http://www.theverge.com/2014...
Party on, Louis! - Stephen Mack
What If We Redid the 2000 .Com Monopoly Edition for Today's Web? - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
"One of the fun collectibles that came out of this time was a .com edition of Parker Brothers’ Monopoly. Instead of properties around Atlantic City streets, you had websites. Community Chest and Chance were replaced with Email and Download cards. And you couldn’t buy property for a few hundred bucks, as everything was in the millions of dollars. Not too soon after the game came out (and of course, I still have it), the .com market was decimated, as the companies of the future weren’t built for the present." - Louis Gray
Rich Uncle Louisbags - Stephen Mack
I don't believe the above is an actual character, sir. - Louis Gray
Cloud Powered Near Instant PC, Mobile Upgrades Are the New Reality - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
Last week I got my wife a new laptop. She didn't have to install anything or migrate any data. It had everything she needed just by logging in. This is the new reality on desktop and mobile, if you live a Cloud-centric lifestyle. - Louis Gray
The way it should be and the way it will be. - Sean McBride
Love love LOVE mine! - Sherry BakerBrio
Cloud Powered Near Instant PC, Mobile Upgrades Are the New Reality - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
Automatic and Fitbit Data Show My Car Use Down 50% as Steps Are Up 33% - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
To compensate, I've been driving twice as much since getting a fitness tracker. - Amit Patel
Blogs Still Trump Streams for Longform Content With a Long Shelf Life - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
Zillowionnaires Common As Bay Area Property Prices Boom - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
I Heartily Endorse This Event Or Product - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
Sleep is unproductive and I'm going to get you!
Heh! - SAM
I've always been a night person. This explains a lot. - Louis Gray
Five years later, I still point people to the FriendFeed changelog as an example of best practices for transparency. http://changelog.friendfeed.com/
"Description: too tired to finish this right now" lol - Brent Schaus
Ben, I figured it was a real thing and not, you know, somebody dribbling pickle juice on a server. - Laura Norvig
Our water use is down 40% year over year, due in part to going with Rachio for our smart sprinkler system. We're also down about 60% from two years ago. More to do, but the right direction. http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
We went 54k gallons over a 60 day period in 2012 to 24k this year. Our kids still take too many baths, and we do too much laundry, but the trajectory is good. - Louis Gray
It's extreme, but you can give one away to a family of 3. - Todd Hoff
Rachio Users Save 10 Million Gallons of Water Amidst Drought - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...