10 New Year's Resolutions (for you) for the Year 2015 - http://blog.louisgray.com/2015...
Jan 2, 2015
Bruce Lewis,
The Other Yvonne,
Jenny H.,
Ell Bee, See?,
Jennifer Dittrich,
joey - team everyone,
Stephen Mack
liked this
"A new year is a somewhat arbitrary point in time to mark change. But tradition has it that we do two things when the calendar turns from December to January. We look back on the previous year, either with pride over accomplishments, or dismissal of bad experiences, and we optimistically expect the best for the coming twelve months."
- Louis Gray
These are great. Thanks for sharing :)
- joey - team everyone
Thanks, Joey! I originally was going for 15, but 10 was good enough.
- Louis Gray
You've inspired me to take some specific actions so I appreciate that. Also, some of us are easily overwhelmed so 10 is good ;)
- joey - team everyone