Louis Gray

Silicon Valley early adopter, tech geek blogger, and dad w/twins +1
Our water use is down 40% year over year, due in part to going with Rachio for our smart sprinkler system. We're also down about 60% from two years ago. More to do, but the right direction. http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
We went 54k gallons over a 60 day period in 2012 to 24k this year. Our kids still take too many baths, and we do too much laundry, but the trajectory is good. - Louis Gray
It's extreme, but you can give one away to a family of 3. - Todd Hoff
Rachio Users Save 10 Million Gallons of Water Amidst Drought - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
If Content is Portable, Where You Consume It Doesn't Matter - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
One the one hand, I'm amused that Sarah's goal for the year is to eat lunch (because she's hungry). On the other hand, I think the obsession with food is showing up in her self-portrait for her "Super Firstie Selfie". First grade, oh how you've changed.
She drew herself as a chicken? - Stephen Mack
She looks more like a nugget than a chicken outright. - Louis Gray
Do first graders at their school have smart phones? - Starmama
They do not. Thank goodness. But their teacher does have access to online kits. http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product... - Louis Gray
Striving for Streams of Serendipity or Inbox Zero? - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
Today, Kristine and I did an 8 mile loop hike in Cool, CA. It's in El Dorado County. This is what Fitbit says it looks like. Lots of ups and downs!
First Grade: Initiated.
Looks like they are going in with the proper attitude - Steve C, Team Marina
Go get em! - Eric @ CS Techcast
thats cute - sandra hall
I'm Joining the Google Analytics Team to Help Make Data Count http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
Grats! - Stephen Mack
Joining the Google Analytics Team to Help Make Data Count - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
When Priced for Perfection, Startups Not Given Room for Error - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
"When a private company sees incredible media visibility, and scores a fast-ramping, highly active customer base, it's usually assumed similarly climbing revenue isn't far behind. For game changers like Facebook and Twitter, who commanded sky high valuations privately before earning them publicly, this made sense. But for companies who are seen to have missed expectations, the descent in public perception and media love can be fast and steep - forcing pivots and other odd behavior that can be somewhat puzzling to the outside world." - Louis Gray
something about the layout screams "Best of Craigslist" to me. - Big Joe Silenced
When Priced for Perfection, Startups Not Given Room for Error - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
Achievement Unlocked: Throwing Out the 1st Pitch at an A's Game: http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
P.S... I really miss the FF bookmarklet working. :( - Louis Gray
Grats, Louis! - Stephen Mack
Achievement Unlocked: Throwing Out 1st Pitch at an A's Game - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
That's awesome and a great story. Loved the pitch tracker chart. :) - Steve C, Team Marina
This amuses me. I am shaking my fist at Matt Cutts. Always one step ahead!
Everyone has a Matt Cutts in their lives. =) - The Other Yvonne
Life By Numbers and Notifications - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
Rachio's Smart Sprinkler Controller Brings Intelligence to the Yard - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
I had lunch with Steve Lacy today. AMA.
How was lunch? - Stephen Mack
According to Moves, our route was 4,231 steps in total. - Louis Gray
This 4-day holiday weekend, my main squeeze Johnny and I are going traveling. #ffflashback
So Kristine sees this photo from I/O and says, "Who's the cutie?" I answer, "That's me. What, you don't recognize me?"
50 Top Startups from 2010: Acquired, Pivoted or Still Going? - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
100 Days of Solar Energy: Like Having Two Priuses on My Roof - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
Matthew and Sarah turn six today! Happy birthday twinners!
Awww! Happy birthdays! - Stephen Mack
A belated Happy Birthday to Sarah and Matthew! - vicster.
The Myth of the Billion Dollar Startup - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
Double Daddy Donut Day and Braden Photobombs! (/cc Stephen who just did this)
nice tie! - Marie
Sarah made me that tie! - Louis Gray
Awww is so cute <3 - Johan Andres Diaz Mora
Awesome! - Stephen Mack
Confession: I still visit FriendFeed about 5x more than Facebook. Maybe 10x.
But Google+ is where your heart is, yes? - Mark H
Only the people there know the whole story, JS. - Louis Gray
These three measure up.
Reese's Peanut Butter Oreos are Real and Available |Foodbeast - http://www.foodbeast.com/2014...
Hello Heaven. Derrick, when are we going to sit down and eat a bag of these? - Louis Gray
C'mon, now. Everyone's made the mistake of trying to eat a Hershey's chocolate bar with JIF spread on it. It ain't the same. Then again, Reese's Peanut Butter in a jar tastes nothing like the peanut butter in a Reese's cup so we're all doomed anyway. - Akiva
When I type F in my browser bar, it still autocompletes to FriendFeed.
Mine comes up fox.com. I stream a lot of shows from there. - Akiva
(And please, keep an eye on it from time to time...) - Xabaras (G.O.)
When I was young, we moved around a lot, so I was the new kid in school each year. By 3rd grade, at the 4th school in 4 years, I had no friends, and hung out at recess with some 6th-8th graders who were essentially elementary school slackers and would-be stoners. Their drug of choice was chew (which they got from their dads, probably). #SaturdayFF
For some reason, they accepted my being young and nerdy and nicknamed me "Puffer", which suggested I smoked, even though I didn't. - Louis Gray
I'm not even sure what we did, except I followed their orders to be some kind of low-quality bully, to go attack schoolyard enemies. Like "Get him, Puffer!" and I'd run after and rough up or tackle some kid who was older than me but younger than them. - Louis Gray
It was weird, and didn't last too long, but after eating in the cafeteria, I'd run out to the grassy area where these white trash roughies would be lazing about and perform my role as Puffer, and for a short time, they were my posse. - Louis Gray
This Puffer creature sounds a bit like Reek (of GoT fame). Btw, please, go ahead! - ıɔ ǝɯɯǝ ˙ɹp
If I had a Secret account, I would fill it with high quality things like, "I really want Pop Tarts".
That where all your "I could really use a nap" tweets live. - Spidra Webster
Sleeptarts™ - Micah
I love this photo. Such great smiles!
Awww! - Stephen Mack
Staying Ahead of the Curve on Tech Trends Isn't Trivial - http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
"When it comes to picking choices in tech, making the wrong decision on formats, manufacturer, or version can set you back in terms of dollars, leave you with rapidly obsoleted hardware, or find you investing time in something that provides you will non-optimal returns." - Louis Gray
Good post -- and you earned bragging rights in the prognostication department. - Sean McBride
Thanks, Sean! I tried to keep it short. - Louis Gray
As predicted. - Todd Hoff