Our water use is down 40% year over year, due in part to going with Rachio for our smart sprinkler system. We're also down about 60% from two years ago. More to do, but the right direction. http://blog.louisgray.com/2014...
We went 54k gallons over a 60 day period in 2012 to 24k this year. Our kids still take too many baths, and we do too much laundry, but the trajectory is good. - Louis Gray
We too have been cutting back on water usage. In completely unrelated news, we had to have 17 trees taken out this summer. :( Oh, wait, that's not completely unrelated, is it? :( - Amit Patel
Our well is producing a few gallons a day per person. Around here the water truckers have been overwhelmed with business since june as wells have run dry. We're using bottled water and eating off paper plates. #prayforrain #sacrificepeopleforrain - Todd Hoff
Looking at the data makes me feel like we're still using a ton of water, but unless we never bathe or wash clothes, we're hard pressed to take it dramatically lower. - Louis Gray
That's 12K gallons a month? That's 400 gallons a day. With 4 people that's 100 gallons per person per day. Which is average. So that's very good progress. Good work. Using no water landscaping is a good next step. That will be coming soon enough for everyone. Without better monitoring data it's hard to go that next step in reducing usage. Here are some more water savings tips: http://friendfeed.com/toddh.... - Todd Hoff
Aldercroft Heights is now rationing to 50 gallons per household per day. - Todd Hoff
@todd, but we have five people. :) - Louis Gray
It's extreme, but you can give one away to a family of 3. - Todd Hoff