You Can't Achieve Equality by Expecting Everyone to be the Same -
Nov 25, 2014
The Other Yvonne,
Andrew Guthrie,
Sean McBride,
AHnix (Anna Haro),
Alfred C. Ingram,
MoTO Boychick Devil,
Iván Abrego,
Steve and 4 other people,
Stephan Planken,
Stephen Mack,
Andrew C (see,
Anne Bouey,
Jenny H.,
John (bird whisperer),
Jennifer Dittrich
liked this
"Speaking up or talking about hard issues like racial bias or diversity, or calling for attentiton to inherent problems, makes it possible I'll misspeak and say something quotable where I don't want it. It's instead much easier to sit quiet and let other people fight their battles - to watch big conflicts and flareups remotely, trivializing someone else's experience, as something that's not happening here. But even in the 'burbs, and in our corporate offices, there are issues. We may not see unarmed men shot 12 times and killed in our hallways, but there are opportunities to bring down or build up our peers daily, and most of us aren't doing much to aid their quiet struggles."
- Louis Gray
Great article. (Also, love that second pic of Erica.)
- Stephen Mack
I like both those pictures of Erica! Thanks, Stephen.
- Louis Gray
Thanks. I was just about to give up on the possibility of MLK's dream.
- Alfred C. Ingram
I hate all pictures of Erica equally.
- EricaJoy
:) ^
- Steve C, Team Marina ply sign to save
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