Ingress: The Incredible & Addictive Covert Game Being Played All Around You -
"A little over two years ago, a small team within Google called Niantic Labs introduced Ingress, a game that adds a virtual reality layer on top of the entire world, which you can claim, defend or destroy for your cause - depending on which side you've chosen. And while I tested early versions of the game while it was developing at Google, and dabbled with it just after launch, I put it aside before jumping back in with both feet two months ago, when a pair of colleagues on my new team couldn't stop talking about it. And now I won't stop talking about it either. Simply put, in my view, it's the most well-designed, intelligently deployed concept I've ever seen for an immersive experience on mobile, which encourages you to get off your butt, explore the world around you, and find new people to help you achieve goals together. Every facet of the application, even while it seems mysterious, is designed to help you get out of house, to explore new crannies of your neighborhood (and beyond) and discover people on your faction who need your help to achieve what would be impossible alone. I've never seen anything like it." - Louis Gray
I have to say I find it totally impenetrable. The UI confuses me no end, and I'm just completely flummoxed by it. - Stephen Mack
I'm paranoid enough as it is. - Meg VMeg
Maybe this is what happens when you don't waste time sleeping? - walt crawford
@Stephen come with me some time, and I can teach you! - Louis Gray
OK - I am ingressing. I'm not sure I'm doing it right. - Brian Johns
Is there an Ingress room on FriendFeed? - Brian Johns
I hope you picked the right team, Sparky. Smurf or frog? - Stephen Mack
I'm afraid to say. Like my first credit card, I chose the one with the free t-shirt and the attractive booth babe. - Brian Johns
No problem. Depending on which one you chose, you're eitherpart of the team or someone to shun. - Stephen Mack
Welcome to Ingress, Sparky! - Louis Gray
I'm with Meg. - Jenny H.