Let the annual airing of grievances begin for Festivus 2014!
Short order cooks who are tall. - Spidra Webster
Sand worms and bolted-on love stories In Hobbit films - Stephen Mack
Mac laptops with stupid fake logos or covers on the apple in TV shows. - Louis Gray
PCs with the Windows logo on the monitors in TV shows. TV shows using Windows Phones as the only phone. - Eric @ CS Techcast
SUVs that claim to be hybrids. - Louis Gray
Cities that claim to want to solve traffic and housing woes, but refuse to build new residential property. - Louis Gray
Selfies. - Louis Gray
People who say sorry, I'm not sorry. - Eric Logan
traffic - Laura Norvig
Those people - you know who you are. - Steve C, Team Marina
Isn't this joke getting old? I mean, how many years have we been doing this now? - Bruce Lewis
Double standards - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
People who click "Like" on this post. They're grievances; how can you like them? - Bruce Lewis
Ordering an egg and cheese breakfast sandwich and they don't bother to toast the bread. - vicster.
Fitbit trackers that under report steps. ;) - Ken Gidley
California state workers who act like they own the sidewalk around Capitol Park at lunchtime. - Corinne L
People who say traditions are getting old. - Louis Gray
Gasoline leaf blowers. - Louis Gray
Using mayonnaise instead of miracle whip on my sandwich by accident! - Back to just Joe
Tiny dogs with big barks. - Louis Gray
Meta-meta-meta grievances. - Bruce Lewis
People saying it's cold when it's 60 degrees outside. - Eric @ CS Techcast
shopping - Bruce Lewis
Being sore and blistered - Stephen Mack
Rain. Drought. - Bruce Lewis
miracle whip - Laura Norvig
whip miracles - Big Joe Silenced
Strip malls without strippers. - Louis Gray
first-world problems - Aloof Schipperke
An entire healthcare system in which access relies on a single website functioning properly, and no recourse when it doesn't. - April Russo (FForever!)
Clients that charge their clients $80 to $140 per hour for your web development work, but cry that they can't afford to pay you any more than $10.80/hr, and think it's fair for you to expect to "make it up in bulk". - April Russo (FForever!)
Whining whiners who whine. - Mary Carmen
Canada. - Josh Haley
Facebook - MoTO Boychick Devil
Know-it-alls - Meg VMeg
Companies who buy up really fantastic social media sites just for their dev team & then learn little from the superior social media site design they now own the IP for. - Spidra Webster
People who can't stay in their own gotdamned lane. - Hookuh Tinypants
Norwegian Christmas food. - Jenny H.