As a part of our redesign launch, you can post to FriendFeed by emailing [email protected], and you can get your feed delivered via email (you can even comment by replying to the messages). See more here:
You can post to a room by emailing <groupname> and direct message by emailing <username> - Bret Taylor
like - AmirAlii
That's cool. - Andrew Smith
did i just notice the new bookmarklet too? - patrick
brilliant! - Edward Zwart
Hehehe... Nice :D - Johnny
You can add email addresses to your account from your settings: - Bret Taylor
You can post from any email address associated with your account. Email notifications will go to your primary address. - Tudor Bosman
Currently, we support automatic posting (without going through an "approve" page) for Gmail, Yahoo, and MSN/Hotmail/ We will add more email providers in the future, and we will also have a technical document on what an ISP needs to do in order to get added. - Tudor Bosman
I thought a saw a "hello world" yesterday that got deleted rather quickly :) - Frankie Warren
Isn't this a huge spam vector? All I have to know is someone's email address to mail from and I can send stuff to FF? - Brian Sullivan
Brian: we use a number of methods including SPF to verify that emails came from the actual owner of the email address. If we can't verify, we make the entry go through an approval step before it is posted. - Bret Taylor
What Bret said; that's why we only support a few email providers right now. - Tudor Bosman
You should add more Twitter sharing options, so that I can have emailed-posts automatically tweeted. (like by emailing [email protected]). Then FF can become a replacement for services like twitpic - Daniel Sims
So I could get spammed just by needing to approve posts that didn't come from me? - Brian Sullivan
I don't see any way to turn it off for my account - does such a feature exist? - Brian Sullivan
I just tried to send an email to a private group from a different email account and the request to approve it was sent back to the email address from which I sent the direct message. Is this the intended behavior? - Shakeel Mahate
Shakeel: Yes. In order to approve the post, you have to log in to FriendFeed if you aren't logged in already. - Tudor Bosman
Brian: as Shakeel noted, the approval request will be sent to the email address that was used to post. If someone is trying to spam, they will receive the approval request, not you. In order to approve, though, they would have to log in to FriendFeed, so they can only impersonate you if they know your FriendFeed password. - Tudor Bosman
Wow this is awesome. - Mona Nomura
It is sent to the address that the user claimed does it not ? If they claimed to be me I would get the request? Spam may be an over statement -- but it certainly could be annoying. - Brian Sullivan
Curious if setting the reply to different than the from will have effect on this? registered with yahoo, but yahoo sends out all mail with gmail as reply to... - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
Brian, that is correct. We will address this issue if it becomes a real problem; we do have some spam-prevention measures in place. - Tudor Bosman
Rob: you need to associate with your account the address that you send from (that is, the address in the From: header). - Tudor Bosman
Tudor, I think your solution is brilliant, thank you. - Shakeel Mahate
And an IM bot - that would make my work interface a breeze - Nicholas Paul Gordon
Nicholas: The IM bot is there. Just set it up and use it :-) I'm getting some notices now....going to test sends in a sec - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
Tudor: thanks for the clarification - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
Nicholas: we have been supporting IM notifications and replies by IM for a while now. Is this not working for you? See - Tudor Bosman
Tudor: I'm not seeing IM notifications on "comments on posts I commented on" (and maybe same for posts I liked - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
Rob: we just added that feature last night, so yeah, it's possible that there are some bugs. Looking into it. - Tudor Bosman
Thanks Tudor. I'll be keeping an eye out for it...I've only got those set (but I did get blasted before I turned off the "Home Feed" notifications - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
pretty cool - Shevonne
If you're not using Gmail, Yahoo, or whatever, do you have to approve each time you post something? - Tom Landini
this is a gr8 feature.. - Amit
Tom: yes, for now, but stay tuned for improvements. - Tudor Bosman
Thanks Tudor. - Tom Landini
Not seeing IM posts to @me going thru. :( This makes me a sad panda. - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
Added another mail to stream via cellphone, but confirmation reply never came in, a bug maybe? - Nir Ben Yona
great stuff! i mean ..stuFF .... thanks! are the befft ! .. and will be even beffer .. Im quite sure about that .. LoFFe all the new ffeatures. ! ......... do you think to enable also [email protected]? it might be handy, save typing - pb:
AND you guys successfully omitted email signatures from DMs and posts! - Mona Nomura
is that new Mona? The last DM I sent via email included my signature. (was a few days ago) - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
is there email notifications for groups?? i know you can post to groups via email, but i dont see the way to turn on emails out of groups. - Frankie Warren
So that means no more using the remote key in the email address? That's SWEET. - Jandy
Frankie—Not yet. For now you can add the groups you'd like to receive notifications for to a friend list and enable email notifications for that list. - Dan Hsiao
Dan: Thanks for the work around... I hope a more intuitive method eventually shows up :) - Frankie Warren
Sweet! - TheHenry
Hey everyone reading this on Twitter - come join the party on Friendfeed :) - Phill Price
I leave for a few hours and FF Co. goes and WINs all over the place. Can't leave you alone for a second :) - grant fox
Mona, Rob: we tweaked the email signature detection code a bit, and should get rid of the default signatures from iPhone, Blackberry, and WinMo phones, as well as small variations (HI MONA). If you want to ensure that your signature gets dropped, configure the signature to include "-- " (two dashes and a space) on a line by itself before the actual signature text. - Tudor Bosman
Bret, it looks good, liking the new email and IM features. I've still got a huge suggestions and bug list. ;-) - Kol Tregaskes
Grant, I went off to watch a rare bit of TV then come back to all this! LOL. :-) - Kol Tregaskes
I could not post via email, because I guess I never confirmed my email address. I updated my email with the same one and clicked on the link that was subsequently sent to me. Now posts via email work. - Chip Ramsey
Is old interface via mail2ff going anywhere? I'd like to continue authorizing my posts with remotekey. - [email protected]
Alex: mail2ff will continue to work - Bret Taylor
Ryo -- is your gmail address in your ff list of email addresses? - Brian Sullivan
Ryo: That may be the same thing that was happening to me. Did you try to add the same email address again? It should fire a confirmation email that provides a link. After I clicked the link, I was then able to send posts via my email. - Chip Ramsey
Ryo: BTW, I'm also on gmail and everything works fine now, so gmail itself probably is not the problem. - Chip Ramsey
Nice... I will update my contact list asap! Feature heaven...mmmm - Susan Beebe
Any word on getting other mail addresses to only need authorization once? Have to approve my emails from my cell phone every time is a royal pita!! Pretty please make a single-authorization mail????? Especially since it's an authorized address!! - RudĩϐЯaЯïan
I'm with Rudi. I'm also with so will wait for solutions. Molly - Molly
So should we replace the old <username>[email protected] with [email protected] ? - scott willeke