Buffett to FBN: S&P Downgrade 'Doesn't Make Sense' - http://guruvan.posterous.com/buffett...
A Homemade Drone Snoops on Wireless Networks - http://guruvan.posterous.com/a-homem...
Mysterious orange goo washes up in Alaska village - http://guruvan.posterous.com/mysteri...
Credit card processing recommendations anyone? - http://guruvan.posterous.com/credit-...
Back on Google+ (with serious misgivings) - My reply to The G after reinstatement: - http://guruvan.posterous.com/back-on...
Google has suspended my Google+ account - oh, whatever shall I do. - http://guruvan.posterous.com/google-...
Stop deleting accts & setup a process Google! - http://guruvan.posterous.com/stop-de...
Red light cameras going away in LA (& all over)! - http://guruvan.posterous.com/red-lig...
Napa just renewed its contract. :( - Anne Bouey
I am going to generally discontinue Google+ use until this is resolved - http://guruvan.posterous.com/i-am-go...
Facebook iPhone app as bad as Android version - marketcomments - http://guruvan.posterous.com/faceboo...
The banana cream pie isn’t lasting long here @HGCoOpCafe ;-) (Taken with picplz at Mt. Shasta City in Mount Shasta, CA.) - http://guruvan.tumblr.com/post...
Mmmm Quinoa & Corn Stew South American special for the Lula Cruza show tonight @HgCoOpCafe (Taken with picplz at Mt. Shasta City in Mount Shasta, CA.) - http://guruvan.tumblr.com/post...
Shasta Night Life @HGCoOpCafe w/ Lula Cruza - http://guruvan.posterous.com/shasta-...
Nom nom nom :-) 1st treat from @hgcafecoop while we get Posterous setup (Taken with picplz at Mt. Shasta City in Mount Shasta, CA.) - http://guruvan.tumblr.com/post...
Working with a new client, Homegrown Cooperative Cafe in Mt Shasta. Organic food, awesome coffee from Northbound Coffee Roasters, music & fun! (Taken with picplz at Mt. Shasta City in Mount Shasta, CA.) - http://guruvan.tumblr.com/post...
@ATTCustomerCare this is my Nexus One #FAIL getting on THIS CID. All the Neighboring ones WORK FINE. You admitted outage yesterday. (Taken with picplz.) - http://guruvan.tumblr.com/post...
Uber cool - drag & drop image search @ Google - http://guruvan.posterous.com/uber-co...
Building faith in the Cloud, one Drop(box) at a time ;) - http://guruvan.posterous.com/buildin...
Tumblr desperately wants to cut its userbase, so it killed RSS imports - http://guruvan.posterous.com/tumblr-...
Its roasted fresh! C'mon down for a cup of Northbound Coffee - http://guruvan.posterous.com/its-roa...
As much as I don't like it, sure glad I can get by on the I - http://guruvan.posterous.com/as-much...
Gmail pulls a play from Yahoo's book - http://guruvan.posterous.com/gmail-p...
I give up. Broke the Nexus One. Will be mostly offline from now on :( - http://guruvan.posterous.com/i-give-...
Hanging with Dave discussing the reality/futility of personal ownership. Own this! ;-) a gorgeous day! (Taken with picplz at Seven Suns Coffee & Cafe in Mount Shasta, CA.) - http://guruvan.tumblr.com/post...
Looking for some RAM for this ancient Blueberry iMac. A 256MB upgrade would make an 8yo girl happy running Panther. I will send a random gift in return (something fun! :-) let me know if you’re more interested in old tech, book, or truly random item and we can set up a trade! (ill send a correct address then ;-) (Taken with picplz at Cold Creek... - http://guruvan.tumblr.com/post...
Ameribag. Kingston,NY, USA. (Made in Taiwan) (Taken with picplz at Kingdom Hall in Mount Shasta, CA.) - http://guruvan.tumblr.com/post...
Next stop, Big Bend Hot Springs (Taken with picplz at Ben Franklin in Burney, CA.) - http://guruvan.tumblr.com/post...