
(*update: This Friendfeed is paused.)loves Japan, design & anything out-of-the-box. Likes breaking stereotypes. Huge fan of Gintama. More >
We should all count sheep to help FF sleep...
Meanwhile, back at HQ...
Hey! - vijay
They can't figure out which wire to cut...
The tech called back, he says both the wires look gold colored to him. - Technodad
TechCrunch: Yahoo! buys FriendFeed for $6 million in eleventh-hour deal
Beware of people saying "go ahead. Open up. Put everything you do, online!" They are facebook employees & by 'online' they mean 'facebook'. Remember, in the world of 'FREE', the currency is 'FREE'DOM. YOUR freedom. And if they come up to you and say 'We -Do No Evil-', just smile, back up slowly and run as far as you can, away from them.
*passes out the tin foil* ;) - Josh Haley
* takes tinfoil... passes on the rest... lights up doobie and goes into reflective mood * remember the time when we went from being a part of friendfeed to being a part of facebook, overnight, without our consent and without any warning? - vijay
Remember when people actually paid for stuff in currency other than the tacit agreement to be exploited at a later date? Ah the memories. :) - mikepk
Hahaha, mikepk! - Spidra Webster
"The idea of a computer that does a lot less — leaving out even things you consider essential,..." -
“The idea of a computer that does a lot less — leaving out even things you consider essential, because you can still do those things on your other, primary computer — is liberating.” - Daring Fireball: Maybe Instead of Two Cars, You Just Need a Car and a Bicycle Gruber, as usual, nails it. - vijay
You could use Orbit for iPhone Exposé, or you could try OverBoard instead -
Status.Net: The WordPress For Microblogs Gets A Hosted Solution -
Ommwriter: a Mac writing app that helps you concentrate -
Filed under: Macintosh, Office, Productivity Ommwriter is a Mac word processor with a bit of a gimmick. Like one of my favorite writing apps for the Mac, WriteRoom, Ommwriter goes full-screen, with a minimal interface and a focus on avoiding distractions. Ommwriter is even more extreme, though, adding a calming background and soothing music to the mix, and restricting your control over text formatting to a bare minimum to reduce fiddling. The good: that fiddling-reduction thing really works. You can make your text larger or smaller, and choose between three fonts, but that's it. It keeps you away from the controls and focused on your words. Also good: there are 7 different musical selections, and the option to turn the music off altogether (which I recommend you exercise). The default background is quite attractive, but you can switch to basic white if you don't like it. The bad: your only options for saving your Ommwriter docs are plain .txt or Ommwriter's own format. I suppose... - vijay
Nacho Ricci for SOKO zine -
Hadley CRU hacked with release of hundreds of docs and email -
The University of East Anglia's Hadley Climatic Research Centre appears to have suffered a security breach earlier today, when an unknown hacker apparently downloaded 1079 e-mails and 72 documents of various types and published them to an anonymous FTP server. Much of this information is damning, and shows the Centre involved in sharp practices. - vijay
Microsoft denies it built 'backdoor' in Windows 7 -
aoi11-72.JPG - vijay
”デブと痩せ” だと同じポーズでもこんなにも違うという比較画像 -
”デブと痩せ” だと同じポーズでもこんなにも違うという比較画像 - vijay
”デブと痩せ” だと同じポーズでもこんなにも違うという比較画像 -
”デブと痩せ” だと同じポーズでもこんなにも違うという比較画像 - vijay
ヘアースタイルに無限の可能性。誰もが振り向くびっくり髪型画像 -
ヘアースタイルに無限の可能性。誰もが振り向くびっくり髪型画像 - vijay
イタリア製トロンとも言うべき、フェラーリV4スーパーバイク : Gizmodo Japan(ギズモード・ジャパン),... -
イタリア製トロンとも言うべき、フェラーリV4スーパーバイク : Gizmodo Japan(ギズモード・ジャパン), ガジェット情報満載ブログ - vijay
Voices – Slick, Fun Voice Morphing App for iPhone -
Faster photo sharing, and more -
Here's another Unite build for you to test. This time we have worked on making image generation in the Photo Sharing application faster (DSK-271038), and as you can see there are a few other tweaks as well. Give it a spin, and let us know if you find any regressions since the previous build. Download Windows MSI / Windows Classic Macintosh (Universal) / Macintosh (Intel-only) UNIX/Linux ... - vijay
Photography by Tim Navis -
Chrome OS is more like Snooze OS but I'm not in the target market, so...
Electric Mountains by Thomas Kneubühler -
Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone -
Giant Jellyfish Capsize 10-Ton Fishing Boat -
Dozens of giant Nomura jellyfish along the eastern coast of Japan capsized the 10-ton fishing trawler, known as the Diasan Shinsho-maru. According to news sources, the incident occurred when three fishermen attempted to haul in a net containing dozens of these enormous jellyfish, which weigh as much as 440 pounds and can grow up to 6 [...] Related posts:530 Lbs Giant Fish drags boat over 20 milesGiant Japanese Jellyfish Turned into CandyPink Land Jellyfish Invade Japan’s Shores This is only a summary of the article. Click on the title to read it in full. - vijay
As AOL Heads For An IPO, It Leaves 2500 Employees Behind -
WWII Japanese Super-Submarine Found In Hawaii -
Engadget redesign is live >
Mostly, I like it; it's very strong. I especially like the heat-map they've used for the Most Commented stories. The only thing I'd criticize is something Mark Trapp has already pointed out (, and that's the serif font on the light background - I had to Zoom the text to make it properly legible for my poor old eyes. - Andrew Terry
Looks like they love the new features too much... so much that they deemed it necessary to -highlight- every single one of them to the extreme. It's over the top and all over the place. I'm not a big fan of this effort. But as with every redesign these days some like it, some don't and few days later everyone has moved on. I get engadget as RSS so does't affect me that much. - vijay
『Google』のロゴが『Googl』になった!? その謎が判明 - ガジェット通信 -
『Google』のロゴが『Googl』になった!? その謎が判明 - ガジェット通信 - vijay
Maryna Linchuk by Terry Richardson -