Engadget redesign is live > http://www.engadget.com/
Mostly, I like it; it's very strong. I especially like the heat-map they've used for the Most Commented stories. The only thing I'd criticize is something Mark Trapp has already pointed out (http://friendfeed.com/itafrom...), and that's the serif font on the light background - I had to Zoom the text to make it properly legible for my poor old eyes. - Andrew Terry
Looks like they love the new features too much... so much that they deemed it necessary to -highlight- every single one of them to the extreme. It's over the top and all over the place. I'm not a big fan of this effort. But as with every redesign these days some like it, some don't and few days later everyone has moved on. I get engadget as RSS so does't affect me that much. - vijay