Beware of people saying "go ahead. Open up. Put everything you do, online!" They are facebook employees & by 'online' they mean 'facebook'. Remember, in the world of 'FREE', the currency is 'FREE'DOM. YOUR freedom. And if they come up to you and say 'We -Do No Evil-', just smile, back up slowly and run as far as you can, away from them.
*passes out the tin foil* ;) - Josh Haley
* takes tinfoil... passes on the rest... lights up doobie and goes into reflective mood * remember the time when we went from being a part of friendfeed to being a part of facebook, overnight, without our consent and without any warning? - vijay
Remember when people actually paid for stuff in currency other than the tacit agreement to be exploited at a later date? Ah the memories. :) - mikepk
Hahaha, mikepk! - Spidra Webster