
Enginerdery : love of all things science, engineering, creative, design, and nerd um... ery.
RT @ajturner: "The size of the comet compared to an Imperial Star Destroyer" @ESA_Rosetta - well played @WashingtonPost https://twitter.com/ajturne...
Sorry I had to miss tonights @StackDive. Sounds like it was pretty awesome with @AdelphicMobile Another great event, @jiqtoo and @jfmyers01
RT @laurencreedon: #StackDive event at #WeWork hosted by @smarterer & #Adelphic. (How do I never notice the 10:1 M:F ratio until later?) https://twitter.com/laurenc...
Big news. Super excited to have Larry on the team! http://bostinno.streetwise.co/2014...
Great job @jfmyers01 and @jiqtoo on the first @stackdive! @smarterer represent!
RT @hodges: The @Smarterer crew in action talking shop about Backbone & Coffeescript at @stackdive. https://twitter.com/hodges...
RT @JayNeely: At the inaugural @Stackdive. Glad this event series is happening. @Smarterer organizing, @WeWork hosting. https://twitter.com/JayNeel...
RT @firstround: The dream is free, but the hustle is sold separately. — Anonymous https://twitter.com/firstro...
Cool! extracting audio from object vibrations in video. http://newsoffice.mit.edu/2014...
RT @reedsturtevant: Startups same, except Women Wanted RT @bittman: Shackleton's original ad, to which there were 28 replies https://twitter.com/bittman... /ht @jnagro
iPad in a stuffed animal? having watched small kids with iPads this seems pretty compelling http://venturebeat.com/2014...
How good at logic, algebra and sequences are you? Smarterer has a new 'programming aptitude' test. Any takers? http://smarterer.com/tests...
Saw a banana peel in the road this morning. First thought: should I swerve to avoid? Super Mario Kart reflexes die hard apparently
been a while. surprised to see so many people still on here (friendfeed)
We Need You: Help Us Take New Smarterer Tests For a Spin - http://mikepk.com/2013...
Web Server Logging Tip - http://mikepk.com/2013...
Finding a Co-founder, Tips For Evaluating Startup Ideas - http://mikepk.com/2013...
Playing iOS spotify app through AppleTV - http://mikepk.com/2013...
Quick Code Fix: Disqus ‘Same Comment’ Problem in WordPress - http://mikepk.com/2013...
Is something wrong with Verizon VOD tonight in boston-area? @VerizonSupport
Is anyone using Google+ in google apps for business? Is it useful for intra-team sharing / communication?
digital archeology: on my computer, found an old list of "music to check out" that's 3+ years old. So easy with @spotify now.
comments / community used to be one of the most interesting parts of some blogs, now it's all a ghost town.
.@MetaLauren I'm more active on twitter, but not much :) Thanks for the bday wish!
Congratulations to @ashalytics on the #battle2charles #swboston win! Boston represent!
Watching the tweets re: #battle4charles hoping teams I tried to help yesterday do well.
iPad mini, so tempting :) @HubSpot: Want a chance to win an iPad Mini? Enter the contest here: http://hubspotmobile.sites.hub... #HubSpotMini
OK. crashing. can't keep eyes open. Too many late nights lately.
The deed is done. Ballot away!
Ok, coffee then to the bat polls! Wait. no. Voting polls. Definitely coffee first.