
Enginerdery : love of all things science, engineering, creative, design, and nerd um... ery.
The deed is done. Ballot away!
Ok, coffee then to the bat polls! Wait. no. Voting polls. Definitely coffee first.
What ever happened to all the "open government" initiatives?
I've got a null hypothesis for ya right here! ... I've been looking at these statistics for too long.
Playing Spotify (or really any OS X app) Through AirPlay or AppleTV - http://mikepk.com/2012...
Great post on design process. @googleventures design staff blog: http://www.designstaff.org/article... We (@smarterer) did a sprint w/them & learned tons
cool scrolling space info graphic: http://www.bbc.com/future...
Messing with PostgresSQL. A bit alien for this old MySQL dog.
Gym plan not working out today. Motivation meter is on E
Google + Star Trek. Love today's Google doodle, celebrates first episode. (click around)
Awesome. had too much fun with that RT @AlisonMorris: This is unreasonably hilarious: http://www.pointerpointer.com/ (found by @jjchow)
We're not the "Excel" America, or the "AP Style" America, we're the United Skills of America. http://smarterer.com/blog... #smarterer #infographic
Electronic highway sign in Boston: "Welcome class of 2016". oof… now that makes me feel old.
I know it's bad usability, but I love the *look* of small type… looks somehow… precise
photo realistic drawing done with ball point pens. http://www.juxtapoz.com/Current... crazy
I might have to download "The Gambler"
Not getting anything done… time to call it a night.
Got pybald up and running on Heroku Cedar stack. Surprisingly easy.
What to hack on? Lots of neglected side projects. It's time to pick some of them back up.
RT @dweinberger: Beck's new album: 20 sheet-music-only songs for anyone to perform. Mind. Blown. http://www.forbes.com/sites... (h/t @valdisKrebs @jonhusband)
RT @ricfulop: I love #MIT. In the future planes will never crash... http://www.youtube.com/das_cap...
RT @sarahhodges: This learning planner from @Smarterer is awesome. Check it out to stay on track with your learning goals! http://smarterer.com/blog... #learnstuff
Build your own pedal-powered Porsche. http://911nation.com/2011... Not sure if I dig the shiny gold finish tho :)
Sorry I missed it! RT: @danielppratt Sunday SQL party at the @smarterer office thanks to @smartererdaves! http://instagram.com/p...
Tech entrepreneurs: What advice would you give non-tech founders? HN Discussion - http://news.ycombinator.com/item...
GREAT SCOTT! Still think those are awesome RT: @graysky Delorean in the present http://instagram.com/p...
Haven't been this tired in a while. Awesome / instructive / informative week out in S.F. with Google Ventures UX team.
This is awesome: lightning captured at >7k fps suuper sloow mo http://www.alexandrosmaragos.com/2012...
Up your Google search game: uncommon search operators pulled from Q&A stats on @Smarterer / Google Test: http://smarterer.com/blog...
Using gaming / psych tricks for good vs evil? Helping ppl save. Impulsesave: http://techcrunch.com/2012... (our CEO's husband's company!)
Amazon EBS fails, rackspace cloud turns off a machine, bug nukes our deploy… anything else on 1 hour of sleep? #startuplife