
(*update: This Friendfeed is paused.)loves Japan, design & anything out-of-the-box. Likes breaking stereotypes. Huge fan of Gintama. More >
『Google』のロゴが『Googl』になった!? その謎が判明 - ガジェット通信 -
『Google』のロゴが『Googl』になった!? その謎が判明 - ガジェット通信 - vijay
Maryna Linchuk by Terry Richardson -
Growl updated to 1.2, adds 64-bit support -
Filed under: Software, Freeware, Open Source Ever since upgrading to Snow Leopard, the one remaining 32-bit niggle I have has been with Growl's preference pane. Today, however, Growl has announced and released v1.2 of its famous application notification system with, among other things, 64-bit support. While most of the updates in 1.2 are "behind the scenes," the biggest user-facing improvement is in the upgrade to 64-bit. What this means is that for Snow Leopard users, selecting the Growl preference pane does not require to re-launch in 32-bit compatibility mode. In addition to the Growl preference pane, GrowlMail and GrowlSafari have been updated to 64-bit and are now Snow Leopard compatible. Further, the Growl framework has been re-written in Cocoa dropping support for the Carbon-based API. You can see the full list of changes over at Growl's version history page. Growl users should have received a notification to download the update. Alternatively, you can head over... - vijay
Mendeley,, On Course To Be World’s Largest Research Database -
Official Google Blog: New site hierarchies display in search results -
"Google usually shows a green web address, or URL, at the bottom of each search result to let you know where you're headed. Today we're rolling out an improvement that replaces the URL in some search results with a hierarchy showing the precise location of the page on the website. The new display provides valuable context and new navigation options. The changes are rolling out now and should be available globally in the next few days. Some web addresses help you understand the structure of the site and how the specific page fits into the site hierarchy. For example, consider a search for the biography of Vint Cerf (Google's Internet Evangelist). The URL for one result, "," shows that the page is located in a page about "execs," under "corporate," which is on the "" site. This can provide valuable context when deciding whether to click on the result. Often, however, URLs are too long, too short, or too obscure to add useful information. For example, consider this result from ProductWiki for the query [spidersapien reviews]: The URL of this result is "," which doesn't provide much additional information about the site or this result. Now take a look at the result with the new site hierarchy display: The new text provides useful information about the page. You can tell that the ProductWiki site has information about many different products, organized in different categories, and you can even tell that Spidersapien is a robot toy. In addition, each phrase in the green line is actually a link. For example, clicking on "Toys & Games" takes you to ProductWiki's listing page for all toys, and clicking on "Robots" takes you to a list of their robot toys. This way if you realize that you're interested in a more general category than this specific product (there are a lot of cool robot toys out there) you can easily access information on broader topics. The host and domain for the site (in this case will always be shown, so you always know what website you're going to before you click. There's not always enough room to show the complete hierarchy, so sometimes we use ellipses to replace some of the intermediate levels, like in this result for [how to make granola]: The information in these new hierarchies come from analyzing destination web pages. For example, if you visit the ProductWiki Spidersapien page, you'll see a series of similar links at the top, "Home> Toys & Games> Robots." These are standard navigational tools used throughout the web called "breadcrumbs," which webmasters frequently show on their sites to help users navigate. By analyzing site breadcrumbs, we've been able to improve the search snippet for a small percentage of search results, and we hope to expand in the future. When we design the way results appear on, our goal is to get you to the information you're looking for as quickly as possible. Sometimes that means improving how we represent websites, and other times that means giving you new ways to explore content. We're always happy when we can introduce a feature, like site hierarchies, that does both! Posted by Harvey Jones and Daniel Rocha, Software Engineers, Result UI Team" - vijay
stunned. Just saw God do a Michael Bay.It was like a blinding ball of fire abt a quarter of the moon's size streaking across the sky. lucky.
Big difference, you don't pay a ridiculous price to see a poor imitation :) - Mo Kargas
yep, that too alphaxion ;D - vijay
Google Holding Chrome OS Event Thursday. Complete Overview And Launch Plans To Be Revealed. -
RT @cabel: How come other industries don't use EULAs yet? "By unwrapping and consuming this Filet-O-Fish® you indemnify McDonalds from any…"
Twitter’s Newest Desktop Client: Seesmic for Windows Launches -
looks sexay!! woo! time for Tweetdeck to go bye bye. - vijay
That's cool! Silverlight is waaay better than Air - Kirill Petrovsky
fuck ads... Fwd: AdMob Introduces Interactive Video Ads for iPhone - (via
bear this in mind... Fwd: Why I won’t give you my phone number on Facebook - (via
The Post Transaction Marketing Wall Of Shame: Scores Of Well Known Ecommerce Sites Rip Off Customers -
Seesmic To Launch Native Twitter Client For Windows -
Dizi Dizi Minimalizm -
Poster mevzusunda sıradışı tasarımlara imza atan illüstratör Albert Exergian kişisel bir proje olarak geçmişten günümüze popüler televizyon dizilerini konu alan bir poster serisi tasarlamış. Dizilerin temalarına göre seçilen tek bir görsel üzerine kurulu bu minimal posterler, sezonlar boyu insanları televizyon karşısında kilitleyen herşeyi tek bir karede ifade edebilecek kadar güçlüler. Sadeliğin kudretine bir kez daha şapka çıkarma zamanı… - vijay
Ponzi Schemes Go Green -
Federal regulators have accused four people and two companies of using bogus claims about “green initiatives” to entice more than 300 investors into what was really a $30 million Ponzi scheme. “The only green these promoters seemed interested in was investors’ money,” said Don Hoerl, director of the commission’s Denver office. - vijay
TUAW Interview: Fake Steve Jobs -
Filed under: Humor, Cult of Mac, TUAW Interview We got a chance to sit down (virtually) with the unofficial version of everyone's favorite iCEO, via his alter ego & consigliere Dan Lyons. Fake Steve's perspective is always unique and sometimes astonishing; read on. TUAW: Fake Steve, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak with me. Before we begin this, I'd like to start off by saying that, on behalf of everyone, it is wonderful to see you in good health and back at the helm of Apple. Phil Schiller did a fine job in your absence, but the man has no stage presence. And Tim Cook's droning voice could put even sugar-fed hyperactive children to sleep -- what a snoozer. First question: Let's talk about Microsoft. The company recently released its newest operating system, Windows 7, and with it an experimental chain of branded retail stores that largely copy Apple's own concept, right down to the inclusion of in-store support centers, called Guru bars. Your thoughts? FSJ:... - vijay
The World of X-Ray Photography by Nick Veasey -
Faster Online Gaming Campaign - Telenet -
FriendFeed - ホーム - Aline Ohannessian: Wake-up Wall Interactive... -
FriendFeed - ホーム - Aline Ohannessian: Wake-up Wall Interactive Wallpapers by Kicki Edgren Nyborg » - vijay
FriendFeed - ホーム - Erdëm [virtus] GULTEKIN: And the 15th issue... -
FriendFeed - ホーム - Erdëm [virtus] GULTEKIN: And the 15th issue of Bak Magazine is now online! 368 pages full of art! Enjoy! - vijay
Adobe Releases AIR 2.0 Beta -
Adobe Releases Flash Player 10.1 And AIR 2.0 – Both Include Multi-touch Support -
The Simplest & Efficient iPhone Stand We've Seen | Apartment Therapy Unplugged -
The Simplest & Efficient iPhone Stand We've Seen | Apartment Therapy Unplugged: Very, very, clever. - vijay
Hi Patrick, Since you’re slow-posting right now, I thought... -
Hi Patrick, Since you’re slow-posting right now, I thought I may help you out with some content.  Here is a photo of my home office set-up. My wife and I recently had baby #5. Knowing that I’d be spending a little more time working from home, I decided to create a workspace that would be motivational (the Michael Jordan poster), clean (white desk, hidden laptop), zen (my succulent plant my kids named “Spike”) and focus-oriented (WriteRoom). Working out of an espresso shop is fun, but these days I’d much rather spend more time getting to know my new son and reconnecting with my wife and 4 daughters. You’re doing a great job with Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Chris Lopez (a.k.a. The FitAndBusyDad) Thanks for helping out Chris. It’s appreciated. - vijay
Google Earth 2.0 For iPhone Brings Custom Maps [Google] -
Google is rolling out Google Earth 2.0 for the iPhone over the next 24 hours and it brings a long-awaited custom map feature by allowing you to sync your Google My Maps with the app. Along with the custom maps, the update brings more languages and better performance. Anyone managed to get the update yet? [Google Lat Long Blog] - vijay