Praveen Vasudev

Film aficionado and technology enthusiast, with a fascination for the Web.
Gravity - Official Teaser Trailer [HD] -
SNL Hilarious Google Glass Sketch - May 4, 2013 - Saturday Night Live - Weekend Update -
LOL - Johnny
Positive compilation of Russian dash cams(Great lessons in humanity) -
RT @levie: Better to be too early and have to try again, than be too late and have to catch up.
Score big with Box! Get 25 GB free with a few easy plays. #superbowl #gigsforgameday
RT @jamesmoran: I love where Spielberg just says "well we'll have to live with it and move on. That's Hollywood- next shot!" and walks away.
RT @DotcomMega: Ok, if you don't wanna come fast, we are going to help you -> prenium account for the first 10k to follow and retweet this, #mega cool ?
The day started off mellow.
RT @asymco: You know supply/demand balance is near when unlocked iPhones become available in the US.
Brilliant article. Touched a chord. "A Short Lesson in Perspective"
RT @levie: You know that brief moment when your PC just works flawlessly? Nope, neither do I.
Reality is always more real through the eyes of those who actually live it.
RT @KuraFire: 13,950 peer-reviewed articles on climate change since 1991. Only 24 reject global warming: /via @JoeTheDough
RT @AlmostVictor: Happy birthday Martin Scorsese! RT @PeterAPeel: Better to be king for a night than schmuck for a lifetime.
I liked a @YouTube video Can Sleep Make You Smarter?
RT @moneyries: @viticci i can confirm that's what Sorkin just said. he said hopefully studio won't be too mad at him. all 30-minute scenes.
RT @HeroSummit: More from Sorkin on Jobs film: Each of these 3 scenes will take place before product launches. #hero12
“@skytee: "You promised me Mars colonies. Instead, I got Facebook." - Buzz Aldrin”
RT @parthawasthi: I think I'm going to stop watching #JuniorMasterchef - it makes me feel like a useless home cook!
RT @lowtax: it's fulfilling to know that, despite whatever natural disaster befalls us, we can all come together to bitch about Star Wars
The Force will be with you, always. - Big Joe Silenced
RT @viticci: They’re still hung over, apparently Cue is trying to wake them up with garlic and pre-recorded messages of Forstall’s voice.
RT @viticci: According to my sources, the “jubilation” at Apple for Forstall’s departure resulted in 3 drunk employees tripping over iCloud servers.
RT @LucyKafanov: Wow. Satellite photo side-by-side comparison of Hurricanes Irene and #Sandy. Really puts things in perspective
RT @AlmostVictor: I love how ashamed my dog looks after I catch him humping his toys.
RT @JoannaStern: A hurricane on the East Coast. A tsunami in Hawaii. Now an earthquake in Los Angeles.
RT @AmyJane: He’s a martini away from letting me write “Marco” on his right ass cheek.
haha! Cause only a few places have them. “@shevonne_p: Never knew there was snow in India until I watched every Bollywood movie ever made”
RT @viticci: I don’t know what’s best - @marcoarment’s description of the Surface, or the fact that his kid vomited after seeing it:
RT @marcoarment: An alternate universe: my experience at a Microsoft Store today with the Surface.
RT @levie: The overlooked innovation of Windows 8. Its Blue Screen of Death:
Steve Jobs, by Stephen Fry • SJ: "Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation that ends up express…