stunned. Just saw God do a Michael Bay.It was like a blinding ball of fire abt a quarter of the moon's size streaking across the sky. lucky.
Big difference, you don't pay a ridiculous price to see a poor imitation :) - Mo Kargas
aye Mo... this one was free and hella scary :D Not often do you see a meteor this huge and this close, rocket right over your head. For that 5 seconds, night turned into day. My first thought was "omg... we are screwed". This is beyond once-in-a-lifetime; this is once-in-many-many-lifetimes. - vijay
pics or it didnt happen :) - Chris Hofmann
Chris I wish! Waaay too fast to take pics. I would have taken a video but who thought we would get such a humongous monster? I was expecting the usual cute little trails far far away in the sky. - vijay
also, best thing about it not being Mr Bay? No crappy shakey cam footage ;) - alphaxion
Btw, this one was -reaaal- close... was flying at only 13 miles above the ground(a mere hair's breadth in the cosmic scale) --->- wow. we almost didn't have to wait around for 2012. - vijay
yep, that too alphaxion ;D - vijay