Eric Johnson

Code to help nonprofits do the social web. Plus photography.
Re: Drafts Directory: Key: ✪ [x] (Markdown todo) -
"Turns the selected lines into a Markdown checklist. Adds "- [ ]" in front of plain text lines. The script is smart about existing lists or checkboxes, too. If a line already starts with a checkbox, it will toggle between checked and unchecked states." - Eric Johnson
RT @counternotions: FACT: "iPhone 6 Plus has more screen space than the first American spacecraft had window space."
RT @MAddin_M: Best thing about the iPhone is TouchID. Best thing about TouchID is @1Password. So the best thing about the iPhone is @1Password.
RT @urbanphoto_blog: Photo of the Day: The 8000 lighted balloons tracing the path of the Berlin Wall on the 25th anniversary of its fall
RT @asymco: comScore drops bombshell: US smartphone users stopped growing. Biggest news in mobile for 7 years.
Evgeny Morozov on Why Our Privacy Problem is a Democracy Problem in Disguise | MIT Technology Review -
RT @robotsNpencils: "I found a bug in your software! Now what?" How to talk to developers about bugs - musings from one of our robots.
“Writing code is something you have to do to deliver a solution. It is not an end in and of itself” sez @codinghorror
RT @cdixon: @monkbent e.g. most enterprise software companies spend tons of sales/consulting. because they are actually selling organizational change.
RT @PennyRed: Israel, #Gaza, War and Data - FASCINATING piece at Medium. whatever your views, go and read it right now.
Doing Drupal Multi-site without code -
Pleco: Building a Business, not an App | stratechery by Ben Thompson -
RT @phase2: Best Practices for Development, Deployment & Distributions is starting now in Balcony C! @CapitalCampDC #Drupal4Gov
The Dentist Office Software Story – AVC -
How I organize my life with Evernote and OmniFocus - Helpful Scribbles -
Jared Sinclair | Blog | A Candid Look at Unread's First Year -
Jared Sinclair | Blog | On Promotion and Marketing - A Response to Critics of Yesterday’s Article about Unread -
Problems to Solve with Beacons — — Readability -
RT @bookboss222: “@heminnngway: There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”