Eric Johnson

Code to help nonprofits do the social web. Plus photography.
Problems to Solve with Beacons — — Readability -
RT @bookboss222: “@heminnngway: There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”
Why Blacksmiths are Better at Startups than You | Unicornfree with Amy Hoy: Creating And Selling Your Own Products -
Creative work while traveling — your survival guide | Unicornfree with Amy Hoy: Creating And Selling Your Own Products -
Ivy League Schools Are Overrated. Send Your Kids Elsewhere. | New Republic -
RT @Elmood: I thought of a new term when talking about code: "It's made from unmaintainium."
Picking a Ship Date - Joel on Software -
Set Your Priorities - Joel on Software -
Photo: Red, White & Blue
Who wins the World Cup pregame? Slate answers. RT @monkbent: The best World Cup article yet.
RT @Grathio: Tab: A metric for how difficult a problem is to solve, counted by the number of browser tabs open when complete. eg: "A 19 tab problem."
Validation: Be Sure Your Startup Vision Isn’t a Hallucination. 2 Minutes to See Why | Steve Blank -
Mobile Opportunity: The Real Meaning of the Fire Phone -
RT @jaredsinclair: They Make Such Bloody Good Cameras - The iPhone makes it so easy to feel like a great photographer. The...
RT @housecor: This is brilliant. Set your password strategically. How a password changed my life.
RT @stevenf: It’s not enough to stop using Facebook. Use a browser extension to block their tracking beacons everywhere.
RT @thijs: Now think about the experiments Facebook won’t submit papers of.
RT @astralpilgrim: I have to say the @unread_app is amazing to use alongside my @NewsBlur subscription. Highly recommend.