Eric Johnson

Code to help nonprofits do the social web. Plus photography.
RT @astralpilgrim: I have to say the @unread_app is amazing to use alongside my @NewsBlur subscription. Highly recommend.
Homage - visiting "old friends" in Amsterdam -
CloudKit: Moves like Azure | the Atomic Bird House -
RT @ablaze_co: Best Apple in a long time produces best @gruber in a long time.
RT @JonnyGeller: As it would have been the great Maurice Sendak's birthday, forgive my tweeting again his fantastic response to a fan
RT @jaredsinclair: It should be required viewing for all iOS / OS X developers moving from Objective-C paradigms to Swift.
RT @jaredsinclair: Boundaries – This video is a thrilling way to think about architecture for an OO/functional language like Swift.
Boundaries — Destroy All Software Talks -
Das Referenz: Wikipedia Redesigned for iPad -
iOS 8 Extensions: Apple’s Plan for a Powerful App Ecosystem -
RT @valueof: If you ever need to explain what software engineering is like, I have a GIF for you:
Digesting WWDC: cloudy — Benedict Evans -
RT @agiletortoise: I get email. PS - LOVING Apple this week.
RT @justin: Not sure if I mentioned it, but Apple erased nearly every complaint I've had as an iOS developer the past five years in just 2 hours.
RT @justin: Apple is becoming a real developer company. It's adorable. And welcomed.
RT @nikibeth: “A team is not a group of people that work together. A team is a group of people that trust each other.” - Simon Sinek
RT @BMorearty: So now you can write an app for iOS, OS X, and Android with a single Ruby code base for all non-UI code. Nice. #inspect2014
Shazam! RT @wndxlori: Sweet. Code reloading in RubyMotion 3. That will speed up development immensely. #inspect2014
Much rejoicing! RT @kcase: We now have a standalone installer for the OmniFocus Clip-O-Tron:
inessential: Vesper Sync Diary Follow-up -
Any CA folk need a ticket for the @RubyMotion #inspect conference May 28-29? I’ve got one to transfer at a discount. Just DM me.
Amazon: malignant monopoly, or just plain evil? - Charlie's Diary -
Anyone need a ticket for the @RubyMotion #inspect conference May 28-29? I’ve got one to transfer for a fair price. Just message me.