RT @SarahPalinUSA: Results whether good or bad come from the choices we make. Choose wisely.
RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: Russia sends ships to Gaza coast in preparation for violence escalation... http://english.alarabiya.net/article...
RT @brithume: Purveyors of conventional wisdom that loss of Hispanic support cost GOP the election should read this: http://washingtonexaminer.com/hispani...
What the GOP can learn from Obama, Reagan, and even Hitler http://communities.washingtont...
RT @ByronYork: Liberals outline post-Obamacare wish list for welfare state expansion. It's huge. Read this: http://prospect.org/article...
What the GOP can learn from Obama, Reagan, and even Hitler - http://communities.washingtont...
RT @irwin_alicia: #MSNBCslogans Where standards and ratings don't matter because we have neither.
2012 showed us what many forgot. The candidate, not the party, make it or break it. That's why Reagan won. If H.W. was nom, Carter wldve won
If Jeb Bush was the GOP nominee in 2016, I believe that no matter what state the country was in, the Democrats would continue to hold the WH
RT @JedediahBila: Let me add a big NO THANKS too. "Jeb Bush reportedly considering 2016 POTUS run, conservatives say no thanks": http://twitchy.com/2012...
LOST is becoming a reality… http://edition.cnn.com/2012... #Flight815
Hamas accuses Israel of breaking ceasefire, even though they shot 12 more rockets toward Israel after truce was signed.
RT @Grumpyelder: France Hints it Will Support PA’s UN Bid http://grumpyelder.com/...
RT @AP: Poll: Half of Israelis think government stopped its military campaign in Hamas-ruled Gaza too soon: http://bigstory.ap.org/article... -JM
RT @jjauthor: "You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich" - Abraham Lincoln"
RT @TwitchyTeam: Woman who posted photo of herself giving the finger to fallen heroes at Arlington fired http://twitchy.com/2012...
RT @wrmead: As California sinks, a big question: can the GOP become relevant again there? Major test for future of the whole US. http://blogs.the-american-interest.com/wrm...
RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: Zoomed out, the number of planes CURRENTLY in the air for holiday travel. http://twitter.com/BuzzFee...
Twelve rockets hit Israel after truce: police http://www.france24.com/en...
RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: OWN IT: Top 5 States to be Hit Hardest by 2013 Tax Increases -- Supported Obama! http://cnsnews.com/news...
RT @IDFSpokesperson: After eight days of fighting, the IDF has ended Operation Pillar of Defense. http://twitter.com/IDFSpok...
Finally, Boehner doing a good thing -> Boehner: 'ObamaCare' must be on the table in 'fiscal cliff' negotiations http://thehill.com/blogs...
There have been more rocket launches from Gaza since the ceasefire. Israel has jets in the air, but they haven't retaliated yet.
No, The Hispanic Vote Didn't Cost Romney The Victory http://ace.mu.nu/archive...
In ceasefire agreement, Israel promised to halt assassinating top Hamas terrorists and stop the Gaza blockade. A mistake in my opinion.
RT @ByronYork: Senator is asked how old Earth is. Doesn't answer. Senator is Barack Obama, 2008. From Slate: http://www.slate.com/article...
RT @MarquardtA: Told #idf just dropped leaflets telling residents of 3 northern neighborhoods to evacuate to #Gaza city before dark.
RT @RichardEngel: #Gaza big rocket just flew toward #israel. Somehow feeling less optimistic about ceasefire than yesterday
Israeli official reportedly tells Israel Radio that the United States and Egypt will announce the signing of a ceasefire Tuesday night.
RT @foxnewsradio: Rep. Allen West concedes South #Florida congressional seat to Democrat Patrick Murphy
RT @nytjim: Israeli tanks near #Gaza border, from updated @nytimes photo gallery. http://www.nytimes.com/interac... http://twitter.com/nytjim...