Yesterday was Fixit-Thursday (we usually have Fixit-Friday, but today is Margaritas-Friday, so we rescheduled). You can now hide entries posted from external applications or sites that use our API. For example, you can now hide all entries "from fftogo". Some other recent improvements:
# We fixed some bugs with uploading photos # When choosing choosing which services to display on your profile, we added scrolling to prevent the page from being cut off for users with a lot of services # If you have your account open in multiple places and you change your password, the other signed in sessions will get signed out # Made improvements to the experience for picking usernames when creating an account or feed # If you have blocked a user, we won't show you any group invites they send you # As always, after you hide an entry, you can click on "hide other items like this one" for additional hiding options. - Paul Buchheit
Cool, thanks for this! :-) - Kol Tregaskes
Nice - Angus Burton
That specific example should NEVER be used. ;) Great job, though. Thanks! - Josh Haley
Glad to see the scroll bars on the 'Select which icons appear on your profile' dialog box but you are able to tick more then 5 services without an error. Would it be a good idea to add an error message when 6 or more services are selected? - Kol Tregaskes
No group invites from blocked users will be very welcome to a lot of people on FF. - Kol Tregaskes
NICE. Thanks! - Ken Sheppardson
Thanks. fftogo should never be blocked though. - NaHi
The people that don't like the Likaholix or Flickchart posts will be happy. - Josh Haley
Excellent! Thanks! - Nathan Chase
Joygasm... - Johnny
Is there a way to set up a custom search to show native-FF posts only and NOT the custom API entries? - Rochelle
This is Awesome! :) Thanks Paul! (now if and flickchart were services.......) - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
@guruvan Hey Rob, what is ur BlipFM DJ name ? I am on Blip, too, and we have a Ning Community for DJs at BlipFM.Ning DotCom - PaulFrankRizzo
hahaha! I mention blip because I want to HIDE it :) I'm not a big blip fan. It's not so bad here with many of the items having play buttons in the FF entry, but on Twitter it's downright noisy-obnoxious. I don't have a blip name. - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
(and, um, duh...I guess now I can lol) - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
Nice safe example, Paul. Good addition. - Louis Gray
cool feature! thanks -- have more margaritas! :) laughing at the screenshot LOL - Susan Beebe
Oh the sweet, sweet silence. - DGentry
O HAI - Josh Haley
Great -- goodbye Flickchart. - Brian Sullivan
Yay! Time to double my output of FlickChart comparisons! - Bwana ☠
Paul - is there any possibility of being able to also SEARCH by API-based services? I'd really like to be able to use "service:servicename" in Saved Searches for API-based services. - Nathan Chase
Don't think I could 'hide Benjamin' :) - Charlie Anzman
Right. Where's the uniform "shared" designator for custom RSS "user's shared items" streams? This is impossible to filter otherwise. - ianf ⌘
+1 Ian - zeroinfluencer