I wonder how the developers feel about their investment in the FriendFeed platform. Share your thoughts? Has today's announcement changed the way you feel?
TIRED —And I rarely feel so when I code for fun. The best eg. might be NoiseRiver which I made in a single month with people watching over my shoulder, _THAT_ was fun.
- directeur
"Taylor and Cox say that the Friendfeed product will live on independently, and eventually Friendfeed will be merged into Facebook" http://www.techcrunch.com/2009...
"But the Friendfeed team is not being kept whole. Some employees will now report to Cox, others to engineering head Mike Schroepfer. In my opinion that means, long term, the Friendfeed product itself is unlikely to be a big priority."
- Bwana ☠
Say goodbye to FriendFeed as you know it.
- Bwana ☠
I may be a no body in St Augustine, FL, but my content is my content. I hate investing time in something just to loose it. That's how this feels.
- Ronald S
"FF connected me with new friends that I would never have known. FB connects me with old friends I could have done without. :(" - jcunwired http://friendfeed.com/jcunwir...
LOL Yep. This is me, going back to my Social Median account to see what I have aggregated there. Even looking at putting *back* all my feeds into Strands.
- Anika
+ Ahsan Ali "That said, I will persist with FriendFeed/Facebook - I don't want to lose the friendships & connections I've made here." Bet this gives jump start to something new in each of our lives here on FF. It's organic so different for everyone. :)))
- Myrna