Honestly, if things get really bad here, I don't know where I'll go.
Agreed. - Amani
I'm with you Bwana! Where next? - DJ Stevie Steve
Quick, someone make a FF clone that we can all jump ship to! - Carlton Prest
If you build it, they will come. ;) - Shevonne
yep - vijay
Twitter I suppose... where else is there that's even comparable? - Nathan Chase
Same here - there is nowhere else that offers what FF does. - Patrick Jordan
I'm going back to BBS's and ANSI graphics - Rodfather
quickly let's bring back pownce! - Edgar Rodríguez
Geocities? - Fee501st
Ning? - Rochelle
crap, i may just got back to Undernet. more likely head back to message boards, tho. - Big Joe Silenced
Back to irc - Fee501st
I know. This is a real bummer. - Ordinarybug Heather
LMFAO @ Warehouse 54 :D - vijay
I'd say it's time to get behind a platform, not a service. An open source, hosted FriendFeed-style aggregation/conversation platform. Mix in some Laconica, some JaikuEngine, maybe some NoseRub features. - Ken Sheppardson
Wave - Bwana ☠
Google Reader is a distant second - Bwana ☠
The next year is going to be interesting.....how do people like Apple get factored into this? Or do they steer clear and just provide the hardware for the software...its a catch 22, are they a hardware or software company? - Jason Stephens
I think they got wind of the acquisition Matthew - Look at all the changes Google Reader did the past few months... Comments, likes, share status... All FriendFeed like features - Bwana ☠
we'll have to pull our rafts together and tie them off until we figure it out. Hang out at Bwana.org on one day, then FFundercats ustream on another, etc. - Josh Haley
Now it all begins to make a whole lot of sense. Google vs Facebook - Bwana ☠
Google vs MS - vijay
lol!! - Bwana ☠
Posterous??? - Roberto Bonini
hahahahha - Bwana ☠
I'd probably be on Twitter full-time - Seckoa
My semi-educated guess is that we'll start seeing major changes in early 2010 - Bwana ☠
I really doubt we'll see any changes on FriendFeed... for better or worse. My guess is the engineering team will just switch over to working on Facebook features and functionality, FriendFeed will continue to exist as-is, with only a minimal sustaining engineering effort, and one day 6-12 months from now an effort will start to migrate users over from FF to FB. - Ken Sheppardson
I don't understand all the crying when nothing definitive has developed yet. I don't see why the "digiratti" couldn't build another. Besides, can't Google Wave do a lot of what FF does currently? Build a community around that. - Darrell Bell
I disagree, FF basically admitted changes are coming in their announcementn post... the verbiage was .. "for the time being" - Bwana ☠
"FriendFeed.com will continue to operate normally for the time being." - Bwana ☠
True Bwana. I read that too. It could be branding changes for all we know. I don't know. That's the point, none of us do. - Darrell Bell
Taylor and Cox told TechCrunch that “the Friendfeed product will live on independently, and eventually Friendfeed will be merged into Facebook.” We all know that statement is incongruous. - Anthony Citrano
Seriously, my true point still stands. Another one could be built if the demand is great for a FF like service. I think this should be hint for some developers to get cracking. - Darrell Bell
Of course changes are coming someday, whether or not they had ever been acquired, things will change at somepoint. that's hardly a smoknig gun there. - Richard Lawler
+ Ahsan Ali "That said, I will persist with FriendFeed/Facebook - I don't want to lose the friendships & connections I've made here." Bet this gives jump start to something new in each of our lives here on FF. It's organic so different for everyone. :))) - Myrna