Bonnie Foster

Love my gadgets....and now I love social media, especially FF!
Woo Hoo! Just made 90 points playing Words with Friends! The word is jambed.
Our aging little guy turned 10 on 4/15.
However Meryl Streep's acceptance speech was one of the best all evening. #Oscars
I love Meryl Streep always but I feel bad for Viola Davis.
Just earned 60 pts with the word BUGLE playing Words with Friends. My all time high! Woo Hoo!
OK new favorite commercial. Dog gets rid of kitty/Doritos. #Superbowl
Loved the Audi/Vampire commercial. Very clever. #SBExp
Only 10-12 trick or treaters tonight. What happened to all the kids??
I just got a $2 credit for Android apps from the @amazonappstore. Click to get yours. #get2
Just saw the outages map for SDG&E in San Diego. Yikes! Didn't know it was this bad. Misery loves company but this is ridiculous!
Klout and Spotify have teamed up to give influencers early access to Spotify accounts in the US. #SpotifyPerk
Watched the last Game of Thrones for this season. Can't wait until it comes back in the Spring!
I earned the Droider sticker on @GetGlue!
I'm listening to The Strain (Unabridged) Part 1 from @audible_com on my #iPhone. You can get the free app, too.
I earned the Bootcamp sticker on @GetGlue!
Funny twin babies having a conversation. Cute babies talking to each other very funny HD -
WOO HOO Green Bay! Good game! Too bad Half Time sucked!!
Now I really liked that NFL commercial with the old shows compilation. Very clever! #superbowl
Looking forward to a better 2nd half but go #GreenBay!
Loved that Dorito (Pug) commercial but I'm biased!
Tucker piano Dec 7'2010.wmv -
Daniel Suarez sequel is great. #Freedom (via @GetGlue)
Rare White Lion Cubs Debut -
Can't wait for the next episode! #Dexter (via @GetGlue)
Dreaming puppy talks in his sleep -
This is so gross at times but I can't stop watching it! #TheWalkingDead (via @GetGlue)
Well it's 6:25 and so far no Trick or Treaters. I'm ready and waiting!
Woo Hoo! I read all my Propositions & voted...glad that's done!