Bonnie Foster

Love my gadgets....and now I love social media, especially FF!
Well it's 6:25 and so far no Trick or Treaters. I'm ready and waiting!
Woo Hoo! I read all my Propositions & voted...glad that's done!
I'm actually listening to this on Audible and really enjoying it! #TheGirlWithTheDragonTattoo (via @GetGlue)
Like this show. What can I say, I've always been a sucker for Tom Selleck! #BlueBloods
Haven't seen in a long time. Forgot how much I enjoyed it! #Jaws
Yeah! Touchdown Chargers!
I earned the Listmaniac sticker on @GetGlue!
Yesterday scorching desert heat. Today muggy sticky. The gods are making us pay for a cool summer!
Good episode. This show is definitely starting to hook me! #TheEvent
Trying out Seesmic Desktop 2 and I like it! No more TweetDeck for now.
Enjoyed the Asian food tonight. Would love to try all those dishes! #TopChef
RT @LindaLawrey: When @leolaporte goes after the wrong WOMAN:
Balboa Park-Botanical Gardens - Bonnie Foster
Finished Daemon by Daniel Suarez. Great book! Now I need to read Freedom.
Diana Krall - Boy From Ipanema (From "Live In Rio") -
Listening to Daemon by Daniel Suarez and it's fantastic! Sure made cleaning the house a lot more enjoyable today.
Peach Salsa Recipe | Simply Recipes -
I've made mango salsa, and pineapple salsa, but never peach/nectarine....sounds good. - Bonnie Foster
BBC News - Fancy a peanut butter, banana and bacon cupcake? -
Fancy a peanut butter, banana and bacon cupcake? If you do, there is a New York bakery with just the cake for you. David Arrick has decided there is a market for "manly" cupcakes, and he has devised a number of flavours just for men...although women seem to like them too. - Bonnie Foster
Manly cupcakes at Butch Bakery! - Bonnie Foster
Using the new Audible program on my iPod touch. No longer have to use iTunes on the computer. Love it!
We have sun today! Supposed to be all day--and it's gorgeous out!
My God.....did everyone just feel that one? Started slow, rumbling and then hit hard. Can't stand these earthquakes!
Root Beer Float Recipe | Simply Recipes -
Do you remember the first time you had a root beer float? I do. I must have been around 7 years old and we were visiting my grandparents in Phoenix, in the summer. Have you ever been to Arizona in the summer? Must be why I find Sacramento so tolerable. Let's just say it's hot. I still remember all of us greedy kids, still in our swim suits, having been cooling off in the pool all day, lined up in the kitchen, wide eyed as we watched my father scoop ice cream into tall glasses, and then slowly pour root beer over them. The concoction would start to foam up and sometimes spill over (of course we would lick the sides of the glass when that happened). The foam would eventually recede a bit and we would get another dose of root beer to top us off. Then we would poke at the ice cream with our straws until it dislodged from the sides of the glass and floated to the surface. Sometimes he added the scoops of ice cream to our root beers. But usually it was ice cream first, because then you could control the foam up more carefully. If you just add a scoop of ice cream to root beer, better be ready to catch all the foam as it comes erupting over the sides. - Bonnie Foster
On of my all time favorites when I was a kid.....hell even now! :) - Bonnie Foster
Shrimp Pasta Salad Recipe | Simply Recipes -
The heat has finally arrived in Northern California, and with it, the need for some cooling pasta salads. Here's a simple and easy shrimp pasta salad made with those little pink shrimp that you can find in the freezer section of almost any grocery store. While our gulf shrimp fisheries are suffering at the moment, these little shrimp come from sustainable fisheries in the cold, sub-Arctic oceans, either Atlantic or Pacific. They're called boreal shrimp, Maine shrimp, or just "pink shrimp" because they're pink even when they're raw. But you won't buy them raw. Pink shrimp come already cleaned and processed, ready to eat. We've made this salad a couple of times already, most recently for a potluck where it was a big hit. Fresh basil, red bell peppers, red onions, and a lemon and olive oil dressing with just a sprinkle of red chili pepper flakes dance well with the shrimp and pasta. We think you'll like it. - Bonnie Foster
I make a lot of Shrimp Pasta salads in the summer, similar to this, but I like to add Kalamata Olives to the mix. - Bonnie Foster
Tandoori Chicken Recipe | Simply Recipes -
Tandoori chicken gets its name from the bell-shaped tandoor clay oven which is also used to make naan, or Indian flatbread. The skinless legs and thighs are marinated in a tenderizing mixture of yogurt, lemon juice, and spices and the meat is slashed to the bone in several places helping the marinade penetrate and the chicken cook more quickly. The chicken gets its characteristic red hue from either lots of fiery chile or the addition of red food dye. We're not that big on food dyes here, so we've skipped it, but if you must have your chicken bright red, feel free to add a bit of red food dye to the marinade. Now, you don't need a tandoor oven to make tandoori chicken (thank goodness). You can cook it over a grill (coal preferred) or just in an oven with a broiler. - Bonnie Foster
Love good Tandoori Chicken! - Bonnie Foster
Updated my Touch to iOS 4. Screwed up my calendar & mail for awhile but fixed it & running smooth. Set up some folders. Loving this new OS!
"Please don't feed our bums" - -
Ocean Beach has always had a thing for bumper stickers. “Coexist” is a popular one. “Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Mind” is another. And there’s this classic in counterculture bravado: “U.S. Out of O.B.” Now, a new sticker is raising eyebrows and tempers along the community’s main commercial drag, Newport Avenue, causing some to wonder what’s happening to the scruffy town’s legendary “live and let live” vibe. - Bonnie Foster
I'm on Ken Anderson's side. I grew up in the O.B./Pt.Loma area and there's always been homeless. This is a different younger group, who are aggressive, and demanding. Not disabled, not mentally ill, just not interested in working. Some actually coming from families with money. The sticker may not be P.C., but I understand the aggravation of some. - Bonnie Foster
BBC News - Puppy thrown at German biker gang -
A German student "mooned" a group of Hell's Angels and hurled a puppy at them before escaping on a stolen bulldozer, police have said. - Bonnie Foster
This guy is obviously a moron.....the good news is the puppy is O.K. - Bonnie Foster
How come every time I post to Twitter--and I don't that often--it tells me API is suspended have to wait! Geez!
Upgraded my Mum's laptop to Win 7 and she's lovin' it!
They said Sundays quake could be a fore shock. Guess they were right, because we just had a doozy. Rocked for awhile and then a big shake!
Well that was a good size earthquake! I would guess definitely in the 5 range. Kind of long too. :(
Where? - Anika
San Diego near the coast Anika. Getting damn sick of these earthquakes!! - Bonnie Foster
Ah, okay. I hope everything is okay, though. - Anika
They tell us that since no houses fell apart during the Easter earthquake, which was a 7.2, anything under that and we're good to go. Very comforting....:/ - Bonnie Foster