Facebook owns all of your FriendFeed conversations. Right?
that blows right - Eran Even-Kesef
Where are we all going now? - Chris Nixon
To the store.... time to punish my body ;) - Bwana ☠
That would not be funny! - David Bain
Yeah, I would guess FB has a perpetual license to use all content we've posted as they see fit. - Ken Sheppardson
all your conversing are belong to us - facebook - skunkman62
That's one of my many concerns. - John (bird whisperer)
:'( - zsafwan 
I know... especially DMs, private rooms, etc. :-( - Ordinarybug Heather
I wonder if stuff posted to private rooms will remain private once the evil FB overlords get their grubby little hands on it. - Joey Gibson
I need some Little Debbies now. - Ordinarybug Heather
Will it or not? - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)