Next: British Airway's journey regarding employee well-being #gdaw2014
Obeng says that his secret weapon is @Tim_Bean. It was the best money he ever spent. @EddieObeng #gdaw2014
Invest in the only thing you actually own -- your body, your health, your psyche, your emotions. @EddieObeng #gdaw2014
Be aware of yr emotions. If yr happiness depends on someone else's response, yr in big trouble! @EddieObeng #gdaw2014
RT @Tim_Bean: Interesting: “We expect in 5 to 10 years, employees will sue their employers for their bad health,”- Paul Kienstra, CEO. @healthclubmag
Look at your behaviors. Be honest -- how much of it actually makes sense? @EddieObeng #gdaw2014
3. Connect w/ humans. This will also help w/ yr sense of stress/overload. 3/3 @EddieObeng #gdaw2014
2. Stop what U R doing. (Most of it is a waste of time.) This will reduce stress & give U time 2 think. @EddieObeng #gdaw2014
How 2 make things better? 1. Look at the bigger picture. 1/3 @EddieObeng #gdaw2014
When everything is changing rapidly, our emotional state=stressed. U can't think logically, creatively, strategically @EddieObeng #gdaw2014
How 2 build trust? Promise 2 do something, do it, remind the other person of your promise & tell them it's done. @EddieObeng #gdaw2014
Keep track of yr time 4 a week on a spreadsheet then 2-3 months later, analyze the data. Only 15% is not wasted time. @EddieObeng #gdaw2014
Obeng's definition of a conference call = one person talking while 12 people continue 2 do their own emails. @EddieObeng #gdaw2014
RT @MoSistaAletheia: 'Think about what you can do differently for the people that are relying on you' @EddieObeng #GDAW2014 #Movember
Under the old rules of the old world, teachers labeled as "cheating" what we now call "collaborative learning." @EddieObeng #gdaw2014
RT @gooddayatwork: We live in a world where the rules have changed - Eddie Obeng on change at #GDAW2014
To understand how different and dire things are, see @EddieObeng #gdaw2014
RT @gooddayatwork: Even a desk under the stairs is HQ of a global business...Eddie Obeng on how far change is driving wellbeing #GDAW2014
"Most of us are doing things that seem sensible, but don't result in the outcomes we expect b/c the rules hv changed." @EddieObeng #gdaw2014
Next Keynote is Prof. Eddie Obeng speaking abt well-being in a fast-paced world. @EddieObeng #gdaw2014
Goldsmith: metaphor is the key to unlock the explicit and implicit. #GDAW2014 #KMers
Goldsmith: our left-brain focuses on the explicit. The right-brain focuses on the implicit. #GDAW2014 #KMers
Goldsmith: creativity is whole-brain thinking. #GDAW2014
Goldsmith: creativity is embodied thinking - it involves the whole mind & body #GDAW2014
Goldsmith recommends Iain McGilchrest's the Master and the Emissary. #GDAW2014
Jonathan Goldsmith: the left-side of the brain is largely detached from the body. The right-side is closely connected to the body #GDAW2014
RT @katie_jacobs: Lack of purpose is associated with alcohol & drug abuse & early death - need balance of purpose & fun #GDAW2014
Lammy: There are design issues in the ways we conceive of physical & mental health. #gdaw2014
Dolan cites Dan Ariely's Lego experiments regarding the meaning of work #gdaw2014
Dolan: A key driver of purpose/meaning is the timeliness of the feedback we receive regarding our work. #gdaw2014
Dolan: Each person needs 2 find the balance btwn being a "pleasure machine" & a "purpose engine." #gdaw2014
RT @nickyruneckles: Prof Paul Dolan @HappinessBD talking about importance of purpose and the stories we tell ourselves #GDAW2014