I wonder how the developers feel about their investment in the FriendFeed platform. Share your thoughts? Has today's announcement changed the way you feel?
TIRED —And I rarely feel so when I code for fun. The best eg. might be NoiseRiver which I made in a single month with people watching over my shoulder, _THAT_ was fun. - directeur
sitting looking at hours and hours of personal code now nothing but digital dust - bear (aka Mike Taylor)
At least it might be around for a while. - Rob Diana
Given the choice, would you develop for Facebook or FriendFeed? I would think Facebook - Bwana ☠
Now, you have to choose FaceBook. Would you invest time in a site where you don't know what will happen? (Outside of thinking that for any startup of course) - Rob Diana
I'm annoyed, I was seriously considering fixing up the FF Comments plugin because a few people had asked me to, but I just don't see the point now - Glenn Slaven
Personally as a developer, Not FF, this deal means that all the time and effort I put into my experimental personal projects may one day actually pay off. Not a waste of time after all. FF have shown that the dream is still alive, and congrats to them for doing it in this dreadful downturn. - Bryan Whitehouse
And thank you for that Glenn. - Anika
Bwana - I suppose the same (maybe) that MANY Twitter developers felt over the weekend ... Don't put all your eggs ..... ?! We still don't know if FF will stay autonomous to some extent. Lots of conclusions being jumped to here. - Charlie Anzman
+1 @Charlie - .LAG liked that
Whoa. I got me a +1. (Thanks .LAG) Can I get some sleep now? Seriously ... People have Twitter Consulting businesses (some are actually real :). Can you imagine the 'new' client? "Hey you told me to tweet and then it got attacked ?!". The FF crew has always been extremely responsive. Have a question ... beef. POST IT! ... Maybe they and Zuck will read the Feedback Group??!! Why change now? - Charlie Anzman
The acquisition funding model isn't new. I'm thinking Twitter is envious about now. - Mattb4rd
Friendfeed's API is a dead end and Facebook's "API" (I put that in quotes) is the worst I've ever tried to work with. Lose-lose :( - Carter ♥ JS
I think I'm done developing tools for proprietary APIs. Between Twitter turning off features last year and this shift in FriendFeed's direction and business model, I'm tired of not having control. From here on out it's all about open standards and tools that work with multiple systems. (see also http://friendfeed.com/feedtech) - Ken Sheppardson
Ken++. Take a look on NoseRub... - Marcos Marado