
Dad, Husband, Information Junkie, Stubborn Optimist
Triumph New Tiger Accessories Expedition Panniers -
Re: RINO Schwarzenegger: “As A Republican, I’m Furious” Over Indiana’s Religious Freedom Law, Reagan Would Have Opposed As Well… -
"Arnold is getting a bit crotchety these days. Doesn't he have a housekeeper to play with?" - Mattb4rd
Re: Chuck Norris Fights For the A-10 Warthog . . . And Chuck Norris Doesn’t Lose… -
"Sexiness is in the eye of the beholder. I want to make babies with the A-10." - Mattb4rd
Re: Chuck Norris Fights For the A-10 Warthog . . . And Chuck Norris Doesn’t Lose… -
"Yet another reason to love Chuck Norris. The Warthog has long been my personal favorite." - Mattb4rd
Re: And Now For This Important Message On Renewable Energy From Cher… -
"I wish she'd shut the frack up, but then again, are we not entertained?" - Mattb4rd
Re: Cruz: Media Coverage of Me ‘Backhanded Compliment,’ I’ll Go Straight to People -
"Agree that it is admirable, but more so in my opinion, without the impersonation. I just think it unsavory and borderline disrespectful." - Mattb4rd
Re: Cruz: Media Coverage of Me ‘Backhanded Compliment,’ I’ll Go Straight to People -
"Love you, Mr. Cruz, but please ... no more Reagan impersonations. You did it well but I'm just sayin'" - Mattb4rd
Re: UNREAL: Look what Hillary Clinton said to a secret service agent who refused to carry her luggage… -
"UN Resolution 1441." - Mattb4rd
Re: Pint-Sized Dem Robert Reich Tells Israel Their Safety Is Being Jeopardized By GOP And “Right-Wing Jews” Supporting Netanyahu… -
"Smeagol and an orc?" - Mattb4rd
Re: Pint-Sized Dem Robert Reich Tells Israel Their Safety Is Being Jeopardized By GOP And “Right-Wing Jews” Supporting Netanyahu… -
"Dumbledore and Frodo." - Mattb4rd
Re: And Now This Important Insight From America’s Premiere Political Mind… -
"If I could turn back time ... I'd put you on those skis." - Mattb4rd
Re: More Hard Hitting Journalism From Salon: Lib Site Interviews Man With A Micropenis: “I’m Hung Like A Toddler” -
""Just a little tip" - I see what you did there." - Mattb4rd
Re: Bad News: 401(k)s Are Racist, Or Something… -
"Sounds just like Social Security. It's a Ponzi scheme." - Mattb4rd
Re: DNC’s Wasserman Schultz Offered To Change Her Position On Medical Pot If Top Dem Donor Took Back His Criticism Of Her… -
"Kenny G" - Mattb4rd
Re: Conspiracy Theory Fruitloop Jesse Ventura On Chris Kyle: “The Nazis Had Heroes” As Well… -
"He ain't got time to bleed but apparently all the time in the world to be a stark raving dumbass." - Mattb4rd
Re: Seattle Muslims Demand Teacher Resign For Showing Mohammed Cartoons To Students… -
"The right not not be offended is imaginary. Suck it, Muslims." - Mattb4rd
Re: Lib Beached Whale Michael Moore: People Who Criticized Me For Smearing Chris Kyle Are “American ISIS”… -
"If Hefty made douche bags ..." - Mattb4rd
Re: Comedian Patton Oswalt Drops Delicious Hate Morsel on Cruz’ Science Gig. He’s Overlooking One Thing. -
"It's a joke. From a comedian. I chuckled and moved on." - Mattb4rd
Re: Navy SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Speaks At High Point University, NC Fundraiser -
"He signed some kind of book at the French embassy. Disgraceful." - Mattb4rd
Re: Why Are Gun Owners Being Targeted For Traffic Stops In Maryland? -
"Kel-Tec makes a .38 semi-automatic? Who knew? Pretty sure the writer meant .380" - Mattb4rd
Re: Merry Christmas 2014!… -
"Merry Christmas to you, Weasel Zippers. You've become my favorite political website. Looking forward to 2015!" - Mattb4rd
Re: Video: U.S Airstrike Takes Out An Islamic State Bomb-Laden Vehicle In Iraq… -
"That'll buff out." - Mattb4rd
Re: The Patented Al Sharpton Racial Shakedown™ Going As Planned, Meets With Sony CEO Over Her Emails Joking About Obama… -
"The originates from the same deranged mindset that labels as racist a request for help getting something off a tall shelf in Target or being mistaken as a waiter at a black tie event." - Mattb4rd
Re: #BlackLivesMatter Targets Mall Of America For Protest And Shutdown, Mall Calls Police -
"Domestic terrorists engaged in acts of terror." - Mattb4rd
Re: Michelle Obama: It Was Racist When A “Woman At Target Asked Me To Help Get Something Off A Shelf”… -
"Damn. Guess these labels came with the WASP decoder ring when I was born. I can't win, but thanks to white privilege I am a happy guy anyway." - Mattb4rd
Re: Michelle Obama: It Was Racist When A “Woman At Target Asked Me To Help Get Something Off A Shelf”… -
"But her cast was pink so I was supporting breast cancer awareness. /boggle :)" - Mattb4rd
Re: Michelle Obama: It Was Racist When A “Woman At Target Asked Me To Help Get Something Off A Shelf”… -
"I was in Target recently and was asked to help put a case of bottled water in a shopping cart by a woman with a broken arm. I helped her of course. Racist?" - Mattb4rd
Re: Carmike Theater Chain Cancels ‘The Interview’ Release After Hackers Threaten Terror Strikes -
"Terrorists win. Again." - Mattb4rd
Re: Shocker: Eric Holder Gushes Over NBA Players Wearing Race-Baiting “I Can’t Breathe” T-Shirts, Compares Them To Jackie Robinson… -
"Is it just me or does Sharpton look more and more like a Wii Me everyday?" - Mattb4rd
Re: Noted Legal Expert Charlie Rangel: “It’s Impossible Somebody Can Die And Nobody Is Indicted”… -
"The people that elected this clown should be indicted." - Mattb4rd
Re: IRS prepping for Obamacare employer mandate in 2015 -
"I'm no liberal, I'm a constitutional originalist (conservative) that happens to be very confused about this. Does the "employer mandate" require that the employer PROVIDE or just OFFER health insurance? Big difference? I'm inclined to interpret the law to indicate that it's the latter; employers are to OFFER the coverage and then the employee must pay for it. Employees that opt out in order to purchase their own coverage might incur a fee for their employer. Huh? See. Confused. MB" - Mattb4rd
Re: California Woman Discovers a Grim Disrespect of Veterans in Her New Backyard -
"Aha. I see you've left no stone unturned." - Mattb4rd