16,195 comments, 2,143 likes, and an untold amount of posts, are now in jeopardy. And I'm overreacting? Puhlease.
This is cause for concern and not a kneejerk - Bwana ☠
If you disagree, you don't value your data as much as I do - Bwana ☠
I don't want to hand that over to Facebook. - Bwana ☠
I would hope that the guys at FF allow us a way to export the conversations. - EricaJoy
Agree, I don't want to move over to FB. :-( - Kol Tregaskes
+100 Bwana - vijay
I'm pretty sure it's all there and accessible via the API. Maybe it's time to get cracking on some robust export tools... - Ken Sheppardson
That's what I posted on my blog. I'm very concerned about my content. That's my #1 focus right now. All the stuff I've shared from FF to my blog, the comments...where does that go? - Anika
I search them of course. I repost them. I use them. - Bwana ☠
If someone tries to misquote me in the future, I'll have the real data - Bwana ☠
I would think FF -> Posterous, Tumblr, Wordpress, static HTML would all be reasonable options. - Ken Sheppardson
And yeah, I know, Facebook could buy Posterous tomorrow and this would start again. That's a bridge for another day. - Ken Sheppardson
Thanks Ken for ruining my brain - Bwana ☠
I never thought FB could buy Posterous until you just said it :( - Bwana ☠
Facebook is a great company. And maybe they will add some great features we've never thought about having and make the experience better for the users - Seckoa
If we had wanted to post stuff on FB, they would have been posted over there surely? I use FB for connecting with far away family and friends; they don't want to see my science and cancer links, it's way over their head. Posterous is nice but it's like commenting on lots of disjointed blogs; there's no easy way to see conversations other than in isolation. - Sally Church
the prob with facebook is it has too many features, worthless features. friend feed is very tuned. - Marco
The possible feature changes, integrations and whatnot, I can get over. What I can't and won't get over is my data belonging to Facebook. That's where I draw the line. - Bwana ☠
+100 Bwana! Why are people not thinking about their data!? Features? UI? SECONDARY! data is PRIMARY! - vijay
On 2nd thought, maybe I should be more cautious abt making the jump from Twitter to FF as my primary Status Stream. - Lawrence Liu
Hah! good find. - Bwana ☠
I'll remember that - Bwana ☠
lmorchard already created one in php IIRC -- http://github.com/lmorcha... - bear (aka Mike Taylor)
Thanks bear, I'll be shopping for more later - Bwana ☠
I may be a no body in St Augustine, FL, but my content is my content. I hate investing time in something just to loose it. That's how this feels. - Ronald S