Brett Kelly

Married, Anglican Father of Two. Crappy Programmer, Crappier Writer. I work for Evernote.
PLEASE HELP! Proposed Public Ban of Ecigs in San Luis Obispo, CA -
inkedmn on Morning Ask Anything Thread -
"I have several mech mods and a couple of regulated boxes, but I want something small and regulated. I also lack self control. I'm thinking of either the iStick 50w or the IPV Mini II. Do you own either of these? If so, do you love/hate it?" - Brett Kelly
inkedmn on What juices have you liked enough to buy 100ml+ size bottles? -
"I routinely buy large bottles (60ml or larger, if they're available) after I try a flavor that's even decent just because the cost per ml is *so* much lower when you buy the big dogs. As much as I'd love for every juice I vape to be five-star A+++ or whatever, as long as it's pretty good, I can hang with a huge bottle of it vs. several $12 experiments." - Brett Kelly
inkedmn on Evening Ask Anything Thread -
"I find recommendations here and ask friends, to start. Lots of good discussion here about variuos juice companies; I've found a couple good ones that wy. Also look for cheap sample packs. Some vendors will sell their whole line in smaller bottles for a pretty good price. There's no way around spending a bit of money trying different juices, unfortunately, but after awhile you'll find a few go-tos that you can (hopefully) buy in massive bottles for cheap. As far as PG/VG, the basic rule of thumb is that the higher the VG, the more vapor and less throat hit, but more PG will generally give you better flavor. This is another preference thing, mostly, but beware of high-VG juices if you use a tank since VG is thicker than PG and can have trouble soaking into the wick. Hope this helps!" - Brett Kelly
My wife's and my fortune cookies. Hers is on top. -
inkedmn on Anyone else not care about this drama? -
"^^ this" - Brett Kelly
inkedmn on Vape box and Craft Vapery, are they worth it? -
"My experience with Craft Vapery has been mostly good. The juices were really great at first. I would routinely love everything they sent. After a few months the juices seemed to be less awesome, no idea why. Also, Craft Vapery kinda hoses you on shipping, so the price ends up being only slightly less than if you bought 15ml's from a B&M. Nice people and good customer service, either way. I've heard good things about; cheaper than Craft Vapery and, according to a good pal of mine, the juices are uniformly good." - Brett Kelly
inkedmn on What I imagine going to a vaping convention would look like. -
"It just reeked of BO. I'm sure many—most?—of the attendees had bathed recently, but the stifling humidity and heat inside the venue made everybody sweat like hogs wearing parkas and, consequently, smell like a NYC cabbie near the end of a double shift." - Brett Kelly
inkedmn on Quitting smoking feels good, but getting a friend, family member, or SO to quit feels better. -
"Converting friends and family also carries the ancillary benefit of having people close by who might just turn into vaping nerds with whom you can nerd out. I've found that to be true, in any case: a couple of my pals and I drink beer and rebuild our shit. It's fun." - Brett Kelly
One year later and a few upgrades later my grandpa is still vaping away at 81! -
inkedmn on What I imagine going to a vaping convention would look like. -
"Visually, yeah. What you don't get from photos is the smell: like walking into the world's largest perfume counter staffed by people who haven't showered in two weeks. It's fun, though :)" - Brett Kelly
inkedmn on Juice Gift Suggestions for Unsure Girlfriend? -
"Another option might be to set him up with a couple of months (depending on budget) with a subscription service like Craft Vapery or Vapor Liq. He can choose which flavors he likes (and doesn't like) and he'll get a few bottles each month that match his preferences." - Brett Kelly
inkedmn on Most low maintenance tank atomizer? -
"Another vote for the Kanger Subtank mini, particularly because you don't need to carry a screwdriver to refill it (as with the Kayfun and other similar RTAs)." - Brett Kelly
inkedmn on 30 days quit -
"Well done!" - Brett Kelly
inkedmn on The Daily Vape Pics Thread [2015-02-09] -
"[Tugboat v2 RDA + Tugboat Mod]( Love how small and handsome this setup is." - Brett Kelly
inkedmn on Morning Ask Anything Thread -
"I keep a syringe around for things like this; suck all the juice out of the tank (or, at least, as much as you can), do whatever monkeying you need to do, put the juice back in." - Brett Kelly
All in one Vapestation. -
Nora is handing me my ass at Go Fish. @ The San Juan Islands
Love crap like this: List of collective nouns
Cheers, friends. @ The San Juan Islands
I give it a 7.5 out of ten. Solid beer. @ The San Juan Islands
The new Gaslight Anthem isn’t exactly blowing my socks off and this makes me sad.
If you want to hear me and other people smarter than me discuss digital publishing at SxSW 2015, give us a vote here!
Oh hey buddy welcome to within 10' of me
My boy braving the winds at sunset, on a ferry en route to Orcas Island. @ The San Juan Islands
A real smoke and a cold beer after an absurdly long day of traveling = near-perfection.
Oh hey there Seattle
RT @jasonglaspey: Everyone, vote for this amazing Panel for SXSW on digital publishing with @inkedmn @delk and @taragentile
T-minus one hour until we head to LGB, then Seattle. Boom.