Oguz Serdar

co-founder of Limk, aims to cut through the web noise intelligently by checking the social graph of every single user, and offers them related deals or goodies.
RT @pkedrosky: Comet landings. Breathaking. Every damn time.
RT @juchetony: #erdoğan's palace cost as much as #Rosetta: one shows what can be achieved with successful leadership, and the other is a big ugly building.
RT @SPACEdotcom: Rosetta's Philae lander will be released at 4:03 a.m. ET (0903 GMT). Watch live! http://www.space.com/17933-n... https://twitter.com/SPACEdo...
RT @CNET: Rosetta's comet is singing and it sounds like Predator http://www.cnet.com/news... https://twitter.com/CNET...
RT @levie: *Ultimately* what we need is not necessarily more government regulation over the net, but instead more competition to deliver the net.
RT @pmarca: 2/I think permissionless innovation, nondiscriminatory nature of Internet is of critical importance and must be maintained or strengthened.
RT @pmarca: "Great board members w/experience seeing companies get built--founders should want thinking abt their co every day." http://blog.samaltman.com/board-m...
RT @kpcb: 'Your team matters more than the big idea that you have.' - Eugene Kleiner
RT @Bill_Gross: Blown away by this stat on Global Net Worth: 85 Richest People: $1.7 Trillion 3.5 Billion Poorest: $1.7 Trillion Top 85 = Bottom 50%
RT @aripap: Roughly one 9-figure exit every quarter for the past two years. Obviously investing in ad tech is stupid.
RT @oditorium: The mathematician who proved why hipsters all look alike http://www.washingtonpost.com/news...
RT @DonDodge: AngelList syndicates invested $87M in startups ($127M run rate) , about 36 companies per month. Jeff Fagnan #angelbootcamp
Tim O'Reilly - Create More Value Than You Capture by Stanford ECorner #np on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/ecorner...
Great post by @danmartell: How To Stimulate a Growth Economy http://www.danmartell.com/growthe...
RT @hunterwalk: What if Interstellar was actually a documentary made 50 yrs in future by matthew mcconaughey & sent back as blueprint on how to save world?
RT @BenedictEvans: The marginal utility of smartphones rises as income falls. They begin as luxuries for the very rich and end as essentials for the very poor
The Founder’s Guide To Selling Your Company http://justinkan.com/the-fou...
RT @limk: Your Content, Everywhere: The 17 Best Tools to Get Your Content Its Largest Audience https://blog.bufferapp.com/content... #contentmarketing #d…
Answer by @jaltucher to What is more valuable than monetary wealth? http://www.quora.com/Value...
"In the US VC's fund you because it *could* work. In Europe, because it did". Nice one from @collinmathilde http://tech.eu/feature..."
RT @davemcclure: "How to operate a [scalable startup] company" by Keith @Rabois (Stanford startup lectures by @sama) on @genius http://tech.genius.com/Keith-r...
The Rise And Fall Of The Full Stack Developer http://techcrunch.com/2014... via @techcrunch
RT @paulocoelho: “One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.” https://twitter.com/pauloco...
RT @hnshah: The most important work you can do is working on yourself.
RT @limk: How To Win At #SEO & Content Marketing In 2015 http://searchengineland.com/win-seo... #contentmarketing
Hans Zimmer - Day One Dark (Interstellar Soundtrack): http://www.youtube.com/watch... via @YouTube
RT @levie: The rest of the world is discovering that demand is also a function of convenience and user experience. http://blogs.wsj.com/cio...