Bwana ☠

See you Space Cowboy......
SlingPlayer 1.1 does 3G streaming...not in the US -
FriendFeed features that Facebook needs to absorb -
I wonder how the developers feel about their investment in the FriendFeed platform. Share your thoughts? Has today's announcement changed the way you feel?
TIRED —And I rarely feel so when I code for fun. The best eg. might be NoiseRiver which I made in a single month with people watching over my shoulder, _THAT_ was fun. - directeur
Ken++. Take a look on NoseRub... - Marcos Marado
Watching the Podcast Carnivale with @Geekazine Prizes being given away! #summerofpodcasts
I feel like I need to call Nagel from Ocean's 12/13 to consult on an exit strategy :)
"FriendFeed is dead" - Robert Scoble 08/10/2009
Yep, true. - Kol Tregaskes
:(((( WaaaaaaAAAAAaa!!11 - AJ Batac
"Taylor and Cox say that the Friendfeed product will live on independently, and eventually Friendfeed will be merged into Facebook"
"But the Friendfeed team is not being kept whole. Some employees will now report to Cox, others to engineering head Mike Schroepfer. In my opinion that means, long term, the Friendfeed product itself is unlikely to be a big priority." - Bwana ☠
Say goodbye to FriendFeed as you know it. - Bwana ☠
16,195 comments, 2,143 likes, and an untold amount of posts, are now in jeopardy. And I'm overreacting? Puhlease.
This is cause for concern and not a kneejerk - Bwana ☠
I may be a no body in St Augustine, FL, but my content is my content. I hate investing time in something just to loose it. That's how this feels. - Ronald S
"FF connected me with new friends that I would never have known. FB connects me with old friends I could have done without. :(" - jcunwired
Exactly - Shevonne
Great insight! - William Phillips
RT @BreakingNews: URGENT -- Two massive earthquakes strike, one a 7.7 off the Andaman Islands, another a 6.6 off Japan. Details to come.
Whoa 7.7? That puts this FF thing into perspective. - Andrew Smith
Perspective. - Mike Doeff
yep my friend in Chennai felt the shakes. - vijay
Tsunami warning. Not good. - Mike Doeff
I see lots of folks saying goodbyes on FriendFeed. What a day
its all posturing no one is actually going to leave....ASTROTURF movement - Jason Stephens
Same here. Not Good. - Roberto Bonini
Apple will address MacBook Pro hard drive issue -
Facebook Just Bought FriendFeed -
old news - Vonn Carbon
The War is on!! This is clearly a move to step up Facebook's game in it's war with Twitter to lead the real-time web. - camhunt
Oh hai there Socialmedian. What have you guys been up to lately?
LOL Yep. This is me, going back to my Social Median account to see what I have aggregated there. Even looking at putting *back* all my feeds into Strands. - Anika
And here we are, with open arms ... - Jason Goldberg
Honestly, if things get really bad here, I don't know where I'll go.
Agreed. - Amani
+ Ahsan Ali "That said, I will persist with FriendFeed/Facebook - I don't want to lose the friendships & connections I've made here." Bet this gives jump start to something new in each of our lives here on FF. It's organic so different for everyone. :))) - Myrna
Facebook owns all of your FriendFeed conversations. Right?
that blows right - Eran Even-Kesef
Will it or not? - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
Even been punched in the face? Really hard? Yeah.
I feel like I've been sucker punched by a famous hooker. - Akiva
I've been hit in the head with a baseball bat. Probably feels like the same thing. :) - Carol Levesque
Yep; mlliseconds disappear when it hapens - RAPatton
@DanielVining Dude..I'm in shock. Give me a few hours.
I can't focus. What was I doing before that announcement...
we have just been nuked - vijay
We were: We are all minions of Facebook, at the mercy of Microsoft's 15% stake...... - Roberto Bonini
So yeah, we can squash that little debate about FriendFeed going mainstream. Done.
Even if it isn't yet, it will be. Discussion = over. - Shane Adams
What have we become? - Xinchro
I wonder if they roll it together or keep them separate. - Mark Rummler
As the Offspring would say, "You gotta keep 'em separated" - Xinchro
FriendFeed Blog: FriendFeed accepts Facebook friend request -
Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Bwana ☠
N00000000000!!!!!!!!! - vijay
Negative, Ghostrider, the pattern is full. - Josh Haley
yeah it seems the general consensus is it's bad thing - but can't be too quick to prejudge... things may work out ok... be hopeful :) - Nathan Chase
FeedFace?!!?!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!! (Edit: Thanks Brian)
I wanna laugh but can't! - vijay
Hez took the wordz outta my mouth - sofarsoShawn
Rumor: Two new playable races in next World of Warcraft expansion -
First playable Halo 3: ODST appearing at MLG Dallas -
Saturn's Rings to Disappear Tuesday ( -
I'll stay indoors. - Bwana ☠
PlayStation Network cards to be available in $10 denomination -
good. - Bwana ☠
Apple hate is the new black
t-shirts with this on it in 3... 2... 1... - vijay
I've hated Apple since way before it was cool :P - Aram Zucker-Scharff
@thinkgeek I can't quite put my finger on it. It's not terrible, but I don't love it. The zombie thing is cool however.
French retailer claims PS3 Slim is real, will be €100 cheaper -
If he's wrong, no one will likely care. - Bwana ☠'s redesign makes the left side of my brain itch. There's something about it....
That png transparency thing at the bottom of the background is pretty slick. - Andrew Smith