So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
First! - Akiva
Thank you, Paul. - We are Groot
Don't forget your towel! - FriendFeedForever
It's been fun. - Cristo
Thank you PB - Christopher Galtenberg
Eight! - Back to just Joe
Thanks for everything Paul! - EricaJoy
If you take a picture of the plug being pulled, can you post it to friendfeed? Wait, no, that might not work... - Back to just Joe
Cheers mate, it was an adventure. - Jason
Thanks for gmail and FriendFeed. - Bruce Lewis
Thanks for creating this wonderful place. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Thank you, Paul. And April. It's been grand. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Friendfeed was very huge for Turkish internet community. Don't forget us. - Emre Savaş
Thank you, Paul. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Thanks Paul for your run in Paris, too. - Back to just Joe
Thanks, Paul. Really dug this place. - SAM
Thanks again. - Micah
Спасибо, Paul and everybody. It's been a wonderful seven years. - eugenio
pbtbpbtbtptbt - Josh Haley
Peace, Paul. - chrisofspades #FForever.
Thanks, Paul. - Stephen Mack
thank you, sir - holly #ravingfangirl
Thank you, ma anche porcocane - naltro
Thank you Paul. We can hear the Vogons now. PS. Have you considered open sourcing friendfeed? There will be tens of thousands happy users thee. #opensourcefriendfeed - DS
Thanks Paul, for FF and all the LOL. - vale (acaso)
Thanks your team and you Paul - for FriendFeed and all the fun we had all these years. Cheers! - piikummitus
Farewell and thanks. - Laura Norvig
Tusen takk og ha det bra! - Jenny H.
Thank you for this wonderful place. - Maitani
Thank you for Friendfeed and Gmail. - bentley
Thanks Paul - this was a great , great place to be. - Iain Baker
Thank you Paul, we all appreciate friendfeed and all your hard work!! #RIPfriendfeed. - Susan Beebe
Thank you, Paul - Have a nice apocalypse
It's been a pleasure - thank you! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Thank you very much, Paul. - AJ Batac
Thank you. Really going to miss this place. - Yolanda
Thank you Paul, you guys were the real pioneers! - Bo Stern
thank you, Paul and FF team - [email protected]
Thank you very much from Italy. if there is still a chance to save FF.... Please do it! - Federico Bolsoman
Thanks a lot Paul, Bret and all the rest of the team. This has been one of the best places of all the Internet. - Raibaz
see you on - Vincio
Kudos for having developed a service so cool it still has bleeding Edge features and has been running for 5 years without updating nor serious maintenance (apart from the occasional kick on the server). - L'Andre
Thanks a lot and see you, maybe :) - Haukr
It's been a great run, thank you so much. - Ruchira S. Datta
Thank you Paul - CantorJF
Thanks Paul and team. - Eric Logan
Thank you Paul and your team. - Mahdi
Thanks to you and the team. - фид Шрёдингера