Andrew C (✔)

self-verified is just as good.
*Imagines the Slate "If It Happened There" piece about the Pledge of Allegiance*
This is climate skeptics' top argument about Antarctica -- and why it's wrong - The Washington Post -
"However, as climate skeptics are quick to note, there's something odd and seemingly paradoxical about Antarctica's ice. Even as oceanfront glaciers in key areas seem to be retreating, potentially awakening the vast ice sheets behind them, Antarctic sea ice - ice floating atop the oceans surrounding the continent -- has actually been increasing. And this has often been cited as a supposed anomaly in the global warming story." - Andrew C (see
"So, is a rise in Antarctic sea ice any reason to discount the latest news about east Antarctica, or climate concerns more broadly? The answer is no. First, the facts: Antarctic sea ice has indeed been increasing. The trend has been noted for some time, but here's the latest from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colo., which reports that Antarctic sea ice recently reached its "fourth highest summer minimum" ever." - Andrew C (see
"So, Antarctic sea ice is indeed rising. However, it's important to keep this in perspective -- it isn't rising as much as sea ice in the Arctic (which gets a lot more attention) is declining. Such was the finding of a recent NASA study, which used satellites to look at sea ice in both areas, finding a global downward trend despite the relatively modest rise in the Antarctic region:" - Andrew C (see
"Moreover, though total ice extent may grow through this process, we shouldn't misinterpret what that means. "Antarctic sea ice is unrestricted in extent, unlike Arctic sea ice," explains climatologist Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research. " As a result winds can blow it away from Antarctica and new ice forms in behind, but the ice then is very thin. So increases in Antarctic sea ice do not equate with increased volume."" - Andrew C (see
When you're sad, wallow: melt your sadness into consuming sad pop culture. That way, you can remove it like a merch T-shirt afterwards.
If you disagree with this tweet, please stop reading before I finish this sentence. -
ts;ar - Micah
Thank - Andrew C (✔)
U.S. Worried About Living Up To Netanyahu Campaign Promises | The Onion - America's Finest News Source -
Man Has Carefully Calculated Timeline For Revealing Negative Personality Traits To New Girlfriend | The Onion - America's Finest News Source -
"“I’ll probably reveal my occasional stubbornness and impatience to her right off the bat, just to get those out of the way,” said Hastings, noting that years of experience have taught him he will need to “play this just right” if he doesn’t want the relationship to end prematurely. “Then I’ll lay off for a full month and let that settle in before I start showing her how I can be pretty sullen and childish when I don’t get my way.” “If I were to let her see I’m a slob right at the beginning, that would probably be a little much to take,” he continued, “but after 12 weeks it should be totally fine to stop picking things up off the floor before she comes over.”" - Andrew C (✔)
"According to reports, the Clarksville, MD native has even slated an empty “catch-up week” just before the holidays so he can disclose any unappealing facets of his personality he has been unable to get to as scheduled during the calendar year." - Andrew C (✔)
Rise above it, like an escalator tread going up. Don't get down on yourself like the same tread on its return trip.
Tucker Carlson’s ultimate humiliation: Corruption, “journalism” & a flagrant conflict of interest - -
"But, according to Politico, Kaus tendered his resignation yesterday after unwittingly violating one of The Daily Caller’s ironclad rules for proper journalism: don’t ever criticize people who pay Tucker Carlson." - Andrew C (see
"Everything about this is hilarious. Let’s start with the premise of Kaus’ piece: that Fox News – Fox News – has been insufficiently opposed to immigration reform. I suppose if you’re coming from the perspective of Mickey Kaus, who is so far to the right on immigration that he earnestly called Eric Cantor “Mr. Amnesty,” then perhaps that’s a plausible argument. For a normal person, Fox News is a barking mad locus of anti-“amnesty,” anti-immigrant nonsense. But Mickey Kaus has his principles, and if The Daily Caller won’t let him spout nativist gibberish on his own terms, then he’ll take his talents elsewhere." - Andrew C (see
"And then there’s Tucker Carlson. This story gets right to the heart of what makes The Daily Caller’s editor-in-chief the insufferable prat that he is. Say what you will about Kaus, but at least he stands for something. Carlson, on the other hand, will make a big show of standing on principle, and then completely abandon those principles once he’s in a position to profit from it. Back when The Daily Caller first launched back in 2010, Carlson gave an interview to Howard Kurtz, then of the Washington Post, in which he proclaimed that his new website would distinguish itself from the corrupt brand journalism that pays homage to the powerful:" - Andrew C (see
Police don't ask: Why are we getting sued? | -
"Cities across the country have paid out large sums for police misconduct lawsuits. Chicago, for one, paid out more than half a billion dollars over 10 years. However, many cities have not taken a step that seems like common sense: Looking for data that could help them avoid future lawsuits." - Andrew C (✔)
"Futterman, who runs the University of Chicago's Civil Rights and Police Accountability Project, has won some cases against police. For one such case, he got the numbers on whether some officers had an unusually-high number of complaints against them. As it turned out, a relative handful accounted for almost half of all complaints, and they were almost never disciplined. "There’s a small percent who have been allowed to just do this with darn near impunity," he says. "Despite the bills racking up, and despite all the complaints." " - Andrew C (✔)
"She thinks if settlements came out of the police budget — instead of the general fund — departments might be more cost-sensitive." - Andrew C (✔)
If I was running Dunkin Donuts, I'd start an ad campaign based on our NOT making the staff talk to you about race or politics or religion.
Better coffee, too? - Meg VMeg
Meh! I'm not a coffee drinker, I don't care either way. - Andrew C (✔)
The real magic of ranch dressing is that whatever you put it on becomes a salad, by definition. #eathealthy
Remember when the Wii was ascendant and ppl were saying Nintendo had everything figured out, rather than having lucked into a fad?
@vidalwuu: "y'all realize there are no coloured hands in the press photos right @Starbucks #RaceTogether" -
*dead*. - Andrew C (✔)
You noticed that, too? I fell out when I saw the new pictures. - Anika
"Starbucks to encourage baristas to discuss race relations with customers" - – I admire intent, but… seriously?
Oh, that explains the Anil Dash RT I just saw. - Spidra Webster
"Sooo, do you really think it's just coincidence that you prefer the WHITE Chocolate Mocha?" - AHnix (Anna Haro)
BTW, since they've been pretty bad about messaging the exact release time till basically today... The first two episodes of Community are apparently being released at midnight Pacific in the US. Not sure about the UK. Canada won't get it because CityTV has broadcast/streaming rights and yet City doesn't have room on the schedule right now.
Why White People Freak Out When They're Called Out About Race | Alternet -
"She’s heard it so many times, in fact, that she came up with a term for it: "white fragility," which she defined in a 2011 journal article as “a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include outward display of emotions such as anger, fear and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence and leaving the stress-inducing situation.”" - Andrew C (✔)
I totally have white fragility, but I like to think I'm stronger than I was. When I first read about the Invisible Backpack of white privilege I couldn't accept a lot of it. - Heather
Jeb Bush's email troubles grow more serious | MSNBC -
"Jeb Bush used his private e-mail account as Florida governor to discuss security and military issues such as troop deployments to the Middle East and the protection of nuclear plants, according to a review of publicly released records. The e-mails include two series of exchanges involving details of Florida National Guard troop deployments after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the review by The Washington Post found." - Andrew C (see
I think, in both the disclosure, and going on the offensive, they just went for all-out aggression as the only part of the strategy. They've been accused of the same with large donors or endorsements; they're forcing exclusivity from people long before the field is even established, and it is difficult to say no to the juggernaut. - Jennifer Dittrich
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - Bankston Interview - Netflix - YouTube -
This is the whole (?), non-autotuned interview sequence that formed the bones for the show's theme song. - Andrew C (✔)
“In my view, there’s a very real possibility that a baby may die if this book goes ahead,” said Heather Yeatman, president of the Public Health Association of Australia. -
Celebrity Chef’s ‘Paleo for Babies’ Book On Hold Over Infant-Death Fears | TIME -
"Bubba Yum Yum: The Paleo Way features a DIY baby-milk formula made from chicken liver and bone broth, reports the Australian Women’s Weekly. Health experts have slammed the formula, which contains no milk products, saying it could seriously harm a child’s development. “In my view, there’s a very real possibility that a baby may die if this book goes ahead,” said Heather Yeatman, president of the Public Health Association of Australia." - Andrew C (see
He is a fuckstain. - Johnny
There should've been a CD-based redesign for Soundwave the Transformer. (Yes, he'd be all-MP3 now, but what servant robots would he eject?)
I skimmed the TF Wiki, but are the mini-cassette Transformers considered full citizens on Cybertron, with full rights and responsibilities? - Andrew C (✔)
What is the essential difference between college party "punch" and sangria?
Apart from the quality of booze and other ingredients involved, likely the massive quantities of hard alcohol. - Jennifer Dittrich
Yeah, we always did "spodi" fresh - garbage can (bought for this purpose and not used for anything else) lined with a couple of bags, several gallons of alcohol (rum, vodka, etc) and whatever fruit was cheap at the store (usually pineapple, apples, various citrus) soaked overnight. Juice and lemon-lime soda added the next day. We usually didn't use Everclear, since it wasn't legal where we were. I can only think of one party where there was any left over... so we all just came back the next day. - Jennifer Dittrich
Why Did This Movie Starring Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper Go Straight to Video? -- Vulture -
"Most of all, Serena is interesting because it’s a much more rare artifact than a really bad movie: It’s an incompetent movie. Unlike more famous movie disasters, it plays out not like the product of one unchecked monstrous ego but of a thousand tiny decisions gone wrong. The editing is incompetent. The pacing is incompetent. The scenes don’t logically flow from one to the next. The soundtrack sounds like it was generated by a computer-soundtrack algorithm set to “mournful fiddle.”" - Andrew C (✔)
True, but there's a reason why Hitchcock asked Saul Bass for advice on more than just his title sequence work. As good as any director ever is, there's a bunch of other people that have to be wicked good at their important piece of whatever's going on, and the people who forget that often end up with forgettable films (which, I suppose, is part of the point of the article.) - Jennifer Dittrich
Principals, telling your students to "get learnt" the day after spring break won't help their mood.
Splitsider: Marvin Gaye, Robin Thicke, and Why Nobody Cares About Stolen Jokes -
That blue/black/white/gold dress completely wiped out the escaped llamas from memespace.
I had to go back and search to even find out what meme shared the day with the dress. And it was only two and a half weeks ago! I might not have the best memory. - Andrew C (✔)
This is why meme campaign finance laws needed to nuked from space. - Micah
"Western Conference: Eagleton Eastern Conference: Pawnee" -
Which leads to a long and highly entertaining thread mapping NBA teams and coaches and players to Parks and Recreation characters and cities. - Andrew C (✔)
My black hoodie appeared light grey on the security cam in LA's subway. Maybe due to the TV being bad, or maybe (new theory) there's a lot of IR lighting (there were red LEDs all around the camera).
It looks white and gold to me. - bentley
Good point! Also, it looks like my hair looks black in the security cam footage. - Andrew C (✔)
The logical endpoint of the travel neck pillow would be a mummifying sleeping bag/pillow that one would be placed in after being sedated.
This is how I imagine what interplanetary space travel is going to be like. - Victor Ganata
Really though, a cloak is like the kilt of the shoulders.