Police don't ask: Why are we getting sued? | Marketplace.org - http://www.marketplace.org/topics...
"Cities across the country have paid out large sums for police misconduct lawsuits. Chicago, for one, paid out more than half a billion dollars over 10 years. However, many cities have not taken a step that seems like common sense: Looking for data that could help them avoid future lawsuits." - Andrew C (✔)
"Futterman, who runs the University of Chicago's Civil Rights and Police Accountability Project, has won some cases against police. For one such case, he got the numbers on whether some officers had an unusually-high number of complaints against them. As it turned out, a relative handful accounted for almost half of all complaints, and they were almost never disciplined. "There’s a small percent who have been allowed to just do this with darn near impunity," he says. "Despite the bills racking up, and despite all the complaints." " - Andrew C (✔)
"She thinks if settlements came out of the police budget — instead of the general fund — departments might be more cost-sensitive." - Andrew C (✔)