Tucker Carlson’s ultimate humiliation: Corruption, “journalism” & a flagrant conflict of interest - Salon.com - http://www.salon.com/2015...
"But, according to Politico, Kaus tendered his resignation yesterday after unwittingly violating one of The Daily Caller’s ironclad rules for proper journalism: don’t ever criticize people who pay Tucker Carlson." - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
"Everything about this is hilarious. Let’s start with the premise of Kaus’ piece: that Fox News – Fox News – has been insufficiently opposed to immigration reform. I suppose if you’re coming from the perspective of Mickey Kaus, who is so far to the right on immigration that he earnestly called Eric Cantor “Mr. Amnesty,” then perhaps that’s a plausible argument. For a normal person, Fox News is a barking mad locus of anti-“amnesty,” anti-immigrant nonsense. But Mickey Kaus has his principles, and if The Daily Caller won’t let him spout nativist gibberish on his own terms, then he’ll take his talents elsewhere." - Andrew C (see frenf.it)
"And then there’s Tucker Carlson. This story gets right to the heart of what makes The Daily Caller’s editor-in-chief the insufferable prat that he is. Say what you will about Kaus, but at least he stands for something. Carlson, on the other hand, will make a big show of standing on principle, and then completely abandon those principles once he’s in a position to profit from it. Back when The Daily Caller first launched back in 2010, Carlson gave an interview to Howard Kurtz, then of the Washington Post, in which he proclaimed that his new website would distinguish itself from the corrupt brand journalism that pays homage to the powerful:" - Andrew C (see frenf.it)