This is climate skeptics' top argument about Antarctica -- and why it's wrong - The Washington Post -
"However, as climate skeptics are quick to note, there's something odd and seemingly paradoxical about Antarctica's ice. Even as oceanfront glaciers in key areas seem to be retreating, potentially awakening the vast ice sheets behind them, Antarctic sea ice - ice floating atop the oceans surrounding the continent -- has actually been increasing. And this has often been cited as a supposed anomaly in the global warming story." - Andrew C (see
"So, is a rise in Antarctic sea ice any reason to discount the latest news about east Antarctica, or climate concerns more broadly? The answer is no. First, the facts: Antarctic sea ice has indeed been increasing. The trend has been noted for some time, but here's the latest from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colo., which reports that Antarctic sea ice recently reached its "fourth highest summer minimum" ever." - Andrew C (see
"So, Antarctic sea ice is indeed rising. However, it's important to keep this in perspective -- it isn't rising as much as sea ice in the Arctic (which gets a lot more attention) is declining. Such was the finding of a recent NASA study, which used satellites to look at sea ice in both areas, finding a global downward trend despite the relatively modest rise in the Antarctic region:" - Andrew C (see
"Moreover, though total ice extent may grow through this process, we shouldn't misinterpret what that means. "Antarctic sea ice is unrestricted in extent, unlike Arctic sea ice," explains climatologist Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research. " As a result winds can blow it away from Antarctica and new ice forms in behind, but the ice then is very thin. So increases in Antarctic sea ice do not equate with increased volume."" - Andrew C (see