What is the essential difference between college party "punch" and sangria?
Apart from the quality of booze and other ingredients involved, likely the massive quantities of hard alcohol. - Jennifer Dittrich
Sangria is wine based, maybe a spike of schnapps or something else. College "punch" is along the lines of everclear and koolaid, usually. - RudĩϐЯaЯïan
I guess I meant more in the sense of being sort of the leftovers casseroles of beverages. - Andrew C (✔)
Our punch/mix, was never made from leftovers. It was always a production unto its own. Only once did we end up with something different, and that's because one guy bogarted the cooler to some Frenchmen's party, and then returned with half of it gone, and an addition of cinnamon sticks and diced apples. But it was still just everclear, gatorade, and red bull (plus cinnamon and apples). - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Of course, we were also all alcholics, so after Tuesday, there wasn't anything left, and we'd start all over again Thursday. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
I just got drunk reading this thread. *hic* - Corinne L
Yeah, we always did "spodi" fresh - garbage can (bought for this purpose and not used for anything else) lined with a couple of bags, several gallons of alcohol (rum, vodka, etc) and whatever fruit was cheap at the store (usually pineapple, apples, various citrus) soaked overnight. Juice and lemon-lime soda added the next day. We usually didn't use Everclear, since it wasn't legal where we were. I can only think of one party where there was any left over... so we all just came back the next day. - Jennifer Dittrich