Andrew C (✔)

self-verified is just as good.
AmazingSuperPowers: Webcomic at the Speed of Light - On A Ledge -
"Recently I was able to try bungee jumping. It’s terrifying! Back when I was a teen I went skydiving, and while it’s QUITE A RUSH, bungee jumping was infinitely scarier. […] But regardless of everything that could go WRONG [with skydiving], at the end of the day you’re just along for the ride. You can pretty much go limp and close your eyes and you’ll still have skydived, and they’ll print out a little certificate using a Microsoft Word default template saying “Hey, you did it, good job. Way to be strapped to someone who actually did the thing.”" - Andrew C (✔)
"But with bungee jumping it’s your choice to jump. All the survival instincts are going nuts in your brain to NOT DO IT but you paid like 50 bucks and everyone is watching and OH GOD OH GOD. Basically it’s the privilege to give in to that little suicidal spark in all of us without all the hassle that comes with dying. " - Andrew C (✔)
NERD ALERT DEFCON INFINITY: Star Wars, 80s anime style.
WHOA. but, really, this is more like 70s 'Japanimation' in the style of "Star Blazers" and "Battle Of The Planets". - Big Joe Silenced
I actually haven't seen those, so my touchstone would be Robotech (Macross). - Andrew C (✔) <- this is actually hecka wrong in that frequent flipping and basting will produce a better result* than leaving it alone, but oh well. I guess the lesson is swear enough and maybe no one will notice.
I prefer how it turns out when you leave it. I've never been able to get a good sear flipping it frequently, and it is more difficult for me to gauge what the level of doneness is correct. - Jennifer Dittrich
I like burritos too, but there are many places called taquerias and far fewer (no?) places called burritoerias.
new fad pitch: Paleo Chiropractic. It uses more rocks than the regular kind.
Thai noodles with crispy pork. (From Pa Ord in LA. The one on Sunset and Western; the one further west has a different menu.)
FB hasn't called your timeline a "wall" in years.
FF renamed "Rooms" to "Groups" years ago, but I never got out of the habit of saying Rooms. - Stephen Mack
The Chris Gethard Show • Fusion Diaries 5: A Hurricane That Taught Me The Power Of Comedy And Also Almost Killed Me -
"My parents had no money when I was a kid; I didn’t know and I didn’t care. That’s a huge gift that they gave me - any stress they had about money never extended to me. I look back and realize they’re saints for doing this, because from the adult perspective I see that it wasn’t easy. [...] [My mom] reminded me a few years back that we used to get one pizza a month and throw a family party around it. That was a huge treat, and they made it feel like a big deal. As an adult, I now understand where pizza stands in the food chain and how much a pizza costs, and realize how good my parents were to turn something small into something special for us." - Andrew C (✔)
"Hurricanes are impressive. Being from the northeast I’d seen a few already and thought they were cool. But you know what isn’t cool? Being in a tiny little trailer during a hurricane. Especially when the trailer is parked on Cape May. Which is, ya know, a cape. It is surrounded by ocean and sort of the prime disaster zone for the exact damage a hurricane can cause. We huddled in the trailer all night and to call it “fucking terrifying” is an understatement. " - Andrew C (✔)
"Seeing my mom happy and seeing my brother not scared - all because a gap-toothed guy with curly hair and a baggy suit did idiotic things for the amusement of others. I think it left this impression on me of what comedy should ultimately do. " - Andrew C (✔)
Nearly everything in my fridge is a physical manifestation of "it seemed like a good idea at the time."
I bet when SF writers invented software fighting other software, they didn't think it'd be as lame as spammers and SEO and twitter bots.
World's First Commercially Available Flamethrower is Here | ShortList Magazine -
"Amazingly, flamethrowers are legal in America (well, compared to a gun it's pretty low key) other than in California; however, in the UK it would almost certainly be classified as a weapon." - Andrew C (✔)
*produces can of Lysol and Zippo lighter* - Big Joe Silenced
Well, yes, but that won't reach 8 meters, will it? - Andrew C (✔)
I need this. - Stephan Planken
Who gets more FB birthday wishes, Barack Obama or Joe Biden?
Studying political science. Gonna find the Whigs boson. #goodtweet
I kinda want to start calling the EXPENDABLES series THE OLD & THE FURIOUS.
Obama White House Blasts Mitch McConnell For Telling States To Break The Law -
"Republicans have learned nothing from the Affordable Care Act debacle. Republican governors believed that they could stop the ACA by refusing to set up their own exchanges. They are applying the same failed principles to the EPA’s new rules. If states don’t submit compliance plans, the EPA will do it for them. McConnell is advising states to take away their own power. What Mitch McConnell is trying to do is worse than when Speaker Boehner invited Netanyahu to address Congress. McConnell is actively trying to undermine the Executive Branch of the federal government. McConnell is urging states to break the law." - Andrew C (✔)
Alison Bennett on Twitter: "Let's play a little game. NEW HBO SHOW or ALISON'S HIGH SCHOOL FRIEND ON FACEBOOK." -
"Handsome young millennial struggling with the economy starts cult. (A: ALISON'S HIGH SCHOOL FRIEND ON FACEBOOK)" - Andrew C (✔)
"Beautiful, intelligent 30-year-old woman with 7 kids does an online fundraiser so she can move somewhere else. (A: ALISON'S HS FRIEND ON FB)" - Andrew C (✔)
"Man released from jail and embraces fatherhood (I have to be vague about this one because I'm scared). A: ALISON'S HS FRIEND ON FB" - Andrew C (✔)
Ritholtz: Admitting my 2014 mistakes - The Washington Post -
"2014 is behind us, and before the first quarter sneaks by, I am obligated to offer my annual admissions of error." - Andrew C (✔)
"Wrong on gold. Just kidding! Every negative thing I wrote about gold last year was totally right. Every. Single. Word." - Andrew C (✔)
Post-Punk Icons Reimagined As Marvel Heroes | ShortList Magazine -
John Lydon as Wolverine is fucking hilarious. :) - Big Joe Silenced
If you had the holodeck make a replicator, could that fake replicator make permanent objects?
Only if you use your third wish to make it. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Didn't the holodeck make a life once?? - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
Trader Joe's Balsamic Glaze is pretty good stuff for $3. (It includes thickening agents, since you don't get to the thickness of the real stuff at this price point by using traditional and very expensive method of making balsamic vinegar.)
If you think about geometry of all the world's interconnected systems, you start to understand we're all part of the conic sections of life.
Family of 3-year-old shot in face wants tougher penalties -
"In November 2014, Michael's family says the 3-year-old accidentally shot himself in the face while his dad was in a different room. His mom had left the house that night to attend a funeral for a friend. Michael survived the shooting, and his family says he's recovering and is doing well." - Andrew C (see
"Michael's maternal grandparents said the day prior to the shooting, they brought gun locks over for Michael's father because they say he often left guns out in the presence of their grandchild. "He told me he would never put those on his personal firearm because he needs those for protection. And I said, 'What about Michael?' He said, 'Michael won't touch it.' Michael didn't deserve to be shot and it was the irresponsibility and the stupidity of one person," Faith Thayer, Michael's grandmother, said." - Andrew C (see
Darknet's Evolution drug marketplace poofs along with $12 million in bitcoins | Computerworld -
"There are a lot of really ticked drug dealers as the online black marketplace Evolution Market went poof from the darknet and so too did the community’s bitcoins worth over $12 million." - Andrew C (✔)
"“Evolution operates on an escrow system, allowing buyers and sellers to more confidently and successfully consummate sales of dodgy goods,” explained Brian Krebs. “But that means the market’s administrators at any given time have direct access to a tempting amount of virtually untraceable currency.”" - Andrew C (✔)
It's like no one has ever seen a movie or TV show about criminals. - Eric - Final Countdown
Pitch: Elseworlds comic where Oswald Cobblepot's parents were killed by Joe Chill.
"WHAT THE BRITISH SAY: "I'm sure it's my fault" WHAT THE BRITISH MEAN: "It's your fault" WHAT FOREIGNERS UNDERSTAND: "Why do they think it was their fault?"" - Andrew C (✔)
I love that "very interesting" is an older variant of "cool story, bro." - Jennifer Dittrich
It's really great how everyone involved in March Madness gets paid. Coaches, trainers, scouts, universities, the league, merchandisers, …
...broadcasters, local businesses, sports media, all those bracket sites, .... - Stephen Mack
America is all about self-reinvention. Why, I used to be lazy, sarcastic, apathetic and now … oh. oh. {sits down}
This no-look, full-court Rajon Rondo assist will tie your brain in knots | For The Win -
He scoops up a loose ball and just throws it over his shoulder easily 30 feet in the air, and Monta Ellis gets an easy fast break layup out of it. - Andrew C (✔)
Tenn. GOPer slams Volkswagen: Creating 200,000 jobs is ‘intentionally’ a ‘magnet for unionized labor’ -
"Tennessee Republican state Sen. Bo Watson warned on Tuesday that a plan to bring 200,000 jobs to his state was a “magnet for unionized labor, intentionally.” According to Chattanooga Times Free Press, Watson told the state Senate Commerce Committee that approving $165.8 million in tax incentives for Volkswagen was dangerous because unions could change the “culture” of Tennessee." - Andrew C (see
Ideology more important than results. - Todd Hoff
Let's license the name "I'm OK, You're OK" for a dating website.
*Imagines the Slate "If It Happened There" piece about the Pledge of Allegiance*
This is climate skeptics' top argument about Antarctica -- and why it's wrong - The Washington Post -
"However, as climate skeptics are quick to note, there's something odd and seemingly paradoxical about Antarctica's ice. Even as oceanfront glaciers in key areas seem to be retreating, potentially awakening the vast ice sheets behind them, Antarctic sea ice - ice floating atop the oceans surrounding the continent -- has actually been increasing. And this has often been cited as a supposed anomaly in the global warming story." - Andrew C (see
"So, is a rise in Antarctic sea ice any reason to discount the latest news about east Antarctica, or climate concerns more broadly? The answer is no. First, the facts: Antarctic sea ice has indeed been increasing. The trend has been noted for some time, but here's the latest from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colo., which reports that Antarctic sea ice recently reached its "fourth highest summer minimum" ever." - Andrew C (see
"So, Antarctic sea ice is indeed rising. However, it's important to keep this in perspective -- it isn't rising as much as sea ice in the Arctic (which gets a lot more attention) is declining. Such was the finding of a recent NASA study, which used satellites to look at sea ice in both areas, finding a global downward trend despite the relatively modest rise in the Antarctic region:" - Andrew C (see
"Moreover, though total ice extent may grow through this process, we shouldn't misinterpret what that means. "Antarctic sea ice is unrestricted in extent, unlike Arctic sea ice," explains climatologist Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research. " As a result winds can blow it away from Antarctica and new ice forms in behind, but the ice then is very thin. So increases in Antarctic sea ice do not equate with increased volume."" - Andrew C (see