If you had the holodeck make a replicator, could that fake replicator make permanent objects?
Only if you use your third wish to make it. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Only if the fool holodeck programmer used global variables. - Micah
Micah: so, yes. - Andrew C (✔)
If you eat something while in the holodeck, and leave the holodeck, that food disappears from your stomach? This seems like a great weight loss device. - Amit Patel
Michael Moriarty's Lose Weight The Holodeck Way, now in stores for 29.99 credits. (tangent: ST's concept of money is some garbage. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki... ) - Andrew C (✔)
You know, I never pondered the hazards of holodeck programming and not understanding scope correctly or forgetting to properly delineate your namespaces before. - Victor Ganata
Also, on your tangent, I've started thinking of Federation credits as being similar to most MMORPG currency. Sure, you still need it to buy things, but it is so ridiculously easy to get a hold of vast amounts of it and all common quality goods are available at such ridiculously cheap, fixed prices that you really never have to worry about what your balance is. #UnnecessarilyComplicatedHeadCanon - Victor Ganata
The objects created by this replicator could only exist within the holodeck though. Unless you get a holo-emitter like the Doctor on Voyager. - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
Victor, that's more or less what I was thinking (currency wise.) Banks' Culture isn't too different. Yeah, you need to trade stuff, and sometimes that's currency, but not for the majority of transactions (food, shelter, clothing, health care, etc.) unless you're going somewhere outside their control. - Jennifer Dittrich
Zu: I mean, scale it back a level. Let's say the holodeck creates an holo-artisan. Give it a real whittling knife or have the holodeck make one, I don't care. Then give it a real piece of wood from outside the holodeck. Once the program has finished, the wood is still carved. OK, by extension, take the holodeck replicator and feed it whatever grey goo raw material a real replicator takes. - Andrew C (✔)
When you put it like that, it could absolutely make real objects. The real replicators make stuff from stuff and will recycle stuff you put in them into other stuff so, yeah, your idea has merit. :) - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
I am sure there is a way to hack the holodeck so that holomatter can make irreversible changes to real matter (you probably have to disable some safety protocol or something) but that's a hell of a way to spend your time in one of the holosuites at Quark's ;) - Victor Ganata
When I take over the galaxy, I'm putting all my enemies in an infinite recursion of holodecks. - Andrew C (✔)
I do wonder, also, how much extra energy it would require to have a holodeck replicator operate to produce real things vs. a real replicator. Even if it is possible, it might be a lead-into-gold sort of situation -- even if you can, the process might be so expensive as to render it moot. - Jennifer Dittrich
Now then, where to get the raw material? It's not self-sustaining if you need to get the raw material from elsewhere. So clearly, the first thing your holodeck needs to make is a zero-point-energy generator, which already exists in the Star Trek universe: http://sto.gamepedia.com/Console... - Andrew C (✔)
Ah, a microsingularity. Just what every entertainment device needs! :D - Victor Ganata
Can the holodeck create a hologram of an item so powerful that it cannot be replicated? - Stephen Mack
Be careful with the holodeck, kids. Remember what happened when Geordie slipped and asked for an adversary smart enough to defeat Data? - Holly's favorite Anna
"There are many discrepancies between episodes pertaining to the abilities and limits of holodeck technology. For example, in "Encounter at Farpoint", the young Wesley Crusher remains wet with holodeck water, after exiting into a corridor. In "Elementary, Dear Data", a piece of paper given to Data by James Moriarty is able to be carried outside of the holodeck and into a hall, but upon Moriarty's return in "Ship in a Bottle", a book thrown outside of the holodeck instantly disappears." - http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki... - Andrew C (✔)
And Anna, no, I don't remember that episode, but that sounds awesome. - Andrew C (✔)
I bet you it all has to do with object constructors and destructors and the choice of programming language. I bet some people were still writing holodeck programs in C and forgot to call free(). Or sometimes the garbage collector leaks and you can carry objects outside of the confines of the holodeck :D - Victor Ganata
It's basically a giant games console; of course it was programmed in C/C++. - Andrew C (✔)
Who knew memory leaks could have such dire consequences? :D And you know someone totally failed at encapsulation when instances of Data started leaking into the main computer. - Victor Ganata
Isn't Geordie's request the origin story for Moriarty? :D - Victor Ganata
It's a self-contained starship. The raw material for the replicators comes from … the sewage system. - Amit Patel
Now that I think about it, microsingularities are what power Romulan FTL drives and cloaking fields. I thought they were illegal in the Federation? - Victor Ganata
Oh, everything's illegal in the Federation. Microsingularties are illegal. Societal uplift is illegal. Using the holodeck as a meth lab is illegal. (that last one: TREKKING BAD. ... sorry.) - Andrew C (✔)
OMG "Trekking Bad" is brilliant. Wait, is Ketracel White the name of the drug or the dealer…? - Victor Ganata
"Why can't I replicate Ketracel White?" — this sounds like something that @RikerGoogling would post - Victor Ganata
Also, just today @RikerGoogling posted "make real alcohol" https://twitter.com/RikerGo... - Andrew C (✔)
"Holodeck, run program Make Time Machine Go Back In Time And Destroy Inventor of Holodeckic technology." "You mean John?" "Yeeees, his name is probably John." - Micah
No way his name was John, not when the inventor of positronic brains was named "Noonian" and the inventor of the warp drive was "Zefram". - Andrew C (✔)
Didn't the holodeck make a life once?? - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart