The Chris Gethard Show • Fusion Diaries 5: A Hurricane That Taught Me The Power Of Comedy And Also Almost Killed Me -
"My parents had no money when I was a kid; I didn’t know and I didn’t care. That’s a huge gift that they gave me - any stress they had about money never extended to me. I look back and realize they’re saints for doing this, because from the adult perspective I see that it wasn’t easy. [...] [My mom] reminded me a few years back that we used to get one pizza a month and throw a family party around it. That was a huge treat, and they made it feel like a big deal. As an adult, I now understand where pizza stands in the food chain and how much a pizza costs, and realize how good my parents were to turn something small into something special for us." - Andrew C (✔)
"Hurricanes are impressive. Being from the northeast I’d seen a few already and thought they were cool. But you know what isn’t cool? Being in a tiny little trailer during a hurricane. Especially when the trailer is parked on Cape May. Which is, ya know, a cape. It is surrounded by ocean and sort of the prime disaster zone for the exact damage a hurricane can cause. We huddled in the trailer all night and to call it “fucking terrifying” is an understatement. " - Andrew C (✔)
"Seeing my mom happy and seeing my brother not scared - all because a gap-toothed guy with curly hair and a baggy suit did idiotic things for the amusement of others. I think it left this impression on me of what comedy should ultimately do. " - Andrew C (✔)