Family of 3-year-old shot in face wants tougher penalties -
"In November 2014, Michael's family says the 3-year-old accidentally shot himself in the face while his dad was in a different room. His mom had left the house that night to attend a funeral for a friend. Michael survived the shooting, and his family says he's recovering and is doing well." - Andrew C (see
"Michael's maternal grandparents said the day prior to the shooting, they brought gun locks over for Michael's father because they say he often left guns out in the presence of their grandchild. "He told me he would never put those on his personal firearm because he needs those for protection. And I said, 'What about Michael?' He said, 'Michael won't touch it.' Michael didn't deserve to be shot and it was the irresponsibility and the stupidity of one person," Faith Thayer, Michael's grandmother, said." - Andrew C (see