Jeb Bush's email troubles grow more serious | MSNBC -
"Jeb Bush used his private e-mail account as Florida governor to discuss security and military issues such as troop deployments to the Middle East and the protection of nuclear plants, according to a review of publicly released records. The e-mails include two series of exchanges involving details of Florida National Guard troop deployments after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the review by The Washington Post found." - Andrew C (see
"The Washington Post’s report on the security risks surrounding Jeb Bush conducting official business on his private account coincided with a New York Times article, which noted that it took the former governor more than seven years “to comply fully with a Florida public records statute” on email disclosure." - Andrew C (see
"The report quoted a non-partisan expert with the Florida-based First Amendment Foundation who said Bush’s disclosure policy was “a technical violation of the law.” The governor was required to turn over records pertaining to official business “at the expiration of his or her term of office,” and the Republican waited more than seven years to meet these obligations." - Andrew C (see
"What we’re left with are legitimate concerns about Bush’s judgment. When he went on the offensive on the Clinton email story, did he not think his own, nearly identical problems would emerge? Or was this a case in which Team Jeb went on the attack without bothering to recognize their vulnerability?" - Andrew C (see
I think, in both the disclosure, and going on the offensive, they just went for all-out aggression as the only part of the strategy. They've been accused of the same with large donors or endorsements; they're forcing exclusivity from people long before the field is even established, and it is difficult to say no to the juggernaut. - Jennifer Dittrich